Chapter Eleven

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"Once again, you've lost," Himari declared with a smirk playing on her lips. "This game is rigged!" I was about to throw the shogi board across the room in frustration, but Yuko intervened, stopping me just in time.

"That makes it 110," Himari stuck out her tongue at me.

"You br—" I jumped at Himari, but Yuko held me back.

"Let's take a moment to relax. How about we go for a walk in the field and have a chat? Then, if you'd like, we can go shopping. How does that sound? Who's up for some shopping?"

Himari and I exchanged a silent glance before turning our attention to Yuko. "Seriously? No takers? What if it's on me?"

"Alright!" Himari said, smiling as she walked away.

Yuko's eyebrow twitched. "I seriously hate that kid!" she exclaimed.

● ● ●

Himari, Yuko, and I strolled around the village, looking for clothes. I needed clothes, but I also wanted to buy something for Sukuna. After searching for clothes, we went to get food.

"Who's that girl talking to your boyfriend, Himari?" I asked, raising a brow.

"Don't get me started with that bitch," Himari mumbled, glaring at her.

"Watch your language," Yuko interjected.

As I was eating, my gaze focused on one of the stalls. A white nagagi with a black haori caught my attention.

It's perfect!

● ● ●

I bought the nagagi and the black haori, but I had to make adjustments for Sukuna's four arms.

Time to find Sukuna.

I searched everywhere for Sukuna, but I couldn't find him anywhere. He wasn't in his throne room either.

That strange.

I walked up the stairs and stopped to look out the window. There was a garden full of flowers with a water fountain in the middle. On the wooden platform, Sukuna was seated while Uraume stood beside him. A smile appeared on my face at the sight of him.

My smile faded when I saw a woman running towards Sukuna, wrapping her arms around his neck. My heart sank as I recognized her—it was Yorozu. Anger filled me at the sight of that bitch wrapping her dirty, filthy arms around my man.

● ● ●

I was planning to take a bath, but I decided for a shower instead. I needed to do something to clear my mind of what I had seen.

Just as I closed my eyes, I felt a familiar presence behind me, sending shivers down my spine. "Sukuna," I muttered. I turned my head and saw him standing there, his piercing gaze locked onto mine, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. I swallowed hard. "What do you want?"

"Are you mad?" Sukuna whispered. His fingers, warm and possessive, trailed down my body—from my chest, waist, and stopped at my hip, his fingers tracing my scar. Despite my anger, I struggled to contain myself as every touch stirred something deep inside me. My mind screamed for me to push him away, but my heart betrayed me, making me lean into his touch. "I killed her," he confessed, sending my heart racing. I covered my body, turning around to look at him, my cheeks flushing red. "Really?"

"Like I said," he leaned in, "I don't care about anyone else. All I need is you." His finger traced over my lip.

He pressed his lips firmly against mine, pinning my body against the wall as a cold shiver ran down my spine. I instinctively wrapped my arms around his neck. As he lifted me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my clit.

Sukuna trailed down to my neck, nibbling, sucking, and kissing it. Suddenly, Sukuna sank his teeth into my skin, making me wince.

One of his hands cupped my breasts, pinching my nipples between his fingers. A soft moan escaped my lips at his touch. "Sukuna, please," I whispered, my body craving more.

"You're so wet, love," he groaned, teasingly sliding his hard cock over my wet clit.

I bit my lip, feeling the tension building.

He stopped his movements, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "Beg for it," he commanded.

I was biting my lip so hard that I think I made it bleed.

"Please, Sukuna," I pleaded, my voice trembling with desire. "I want you," I whispered, desire coursing through me. "I want you to fuck me."

● ● ●

"You bit me!" I exclaimed as I smacked Sukuna's chest.

"It lets people know that you belong to me," Sukuna replied with a smirk. "I can give you more," he said as he brushed aside my hair, revealing my neck. "No!" I exclaimed as my cheeks flushed red.

Sukuna stood up and fixed his gaze on the white nagagi with the black haori. "I bought it for you," I said. A smile tugged at the corner of Sukuna's lips.

 A smile tugged at the corner of Sukuna's lips

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