Chapter Six

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It's dark. I don't know how long it's been since I was sealed. Suddenly, my eyes slowly opened, and a strong beam of light flashed into my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was in a room. The sound of the door opening drew my focus, and I saw a little girl standing there, her jaw hanging open as she stared at me in shock. "You're awake!" she exclaimed.

"Where am I? Who—"

"You're in a village," she said. My head was throbbing with pain. "How long has it been?" I asked, my voice strained. "It's been a thousand years."

A thousand years...

"Anyways, I'm Himari. My grandma and I were the ones watching over you when you were unsealed," she explained. "You had a pretty severe wound on your hip. It was quite deep. You were poisoned, and it could have killed you." I grasped onto my hip. "Thank you," I muttered. "You're welcome. So, what's your name? Are you a sorcerer?"

This kid sure is chatty.

"My name is Y/N, and no, I'm not a sorcerer. I'm just an ordinary human, incapable of using curse energy, but I can see curses."

"That suc—"

"Leave the poor girl alone, Himari. As you can see, she has just woken up. Quit questioning her," an old lady said as she walked in, holding a tray full of food. "Hello, dear. I apologize about my granddaughter; she is quite chatty."

I can tell...

"My name is Momoko, but everyone calls me Grandma Momo."

● ● ●


The village looked different. Himari told me to stay inside, but I wanted to walk around and check everything out. As I was walking, I discovered the same field. It looked different from before. It was full of beautiful flowers.

"Y/N, there you are! What are you doing out of bed? You shouldn't be moving too much until your wound has properly healed," Himari yelled.

"Sorry, Himari, but the flowers are beautiful," I said, turning towards her with a smile. Himari sighed, her concern evident. "I understand, Y/N, but your health comes first, so let's head back before Grandma Momo beats my ass for letting you out."

"Fine," I said, with a pout.

As we made our way back to the house, I couldn't help but get a few glances back at the field full of flowers. As we approached the house, Grandma Momo came out of the house, her hands on her hips and a scowl look across her face. "Himari! Y/N! What the hell are you two doing out here? Himari, you know better than to be wandering around, especially when Y/N should be resting!"

"Sorry," we both said simultaneously.

● ● ●


I lay in bed and ran my fingers on the scar on my hip. "Fuck," I muttered. A knock on the door caused me to flinch. "Y/N, I made breakfast!"

"Coming, Himari!" I said, throwing the blanket off me, forcing myself out of bed, and making my way to the dining table.

"Thanks for the food, Himari, but you didn't have to do this. I should've been the one making you food," I said, eating the eggs and drinking the orange juice.

"You've been working hard, Y/N. Even though I'm only thirteen, I can still help! Plus, I've been practicing my cooking skills, and I really wanted you to try my special scrambled eggs." I chuckled, savoring the delightful taste of her food. "Well, I'm glad you did. These scrambled eggs are amazing!"

"Do you want to play shogi later?" Himari asked, a smile beaming on her face. "I would, but that smile on your face is scaring me," I muttered. Himari gave me a scowling look and raised her hand. "Okay, okay, I'll play with you!" Himari grabbed her shogi board, and we headed to the field.

"You lost." My jaw dropped as I stared at the shogi board. "Y-You cheated!" I exclaimed, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "Or maybe you just suck," she retorted. I couldn't believe I had lost again, especially to a 13-year-old. She smirked, a mischievous look in her eyes. "You lost 105 times. You need to up your game if you ever want to beat me."

"Shut up, Himari," I said, looking away. I sighed, slumping back on the grass, and Himari giggled, joining me.

Himari stood in silence. She looked hesitant to ask something. "Spill it, Himari," I urged.

"I—" She sighed. "I know you don't want to talk about your past, but I'm curious to know more about you, Y/N."

My heart stopped.

"There's nothing really much about me except that I was in love with..." My voice trailed off as memories flooded back. "I met this boy in the fields, but he was nothing like a human. He had four arms, pink hair, and these beautiful crimson eyes. He was a jujutsu sorcerer, and I was just a human. He was hated throughout the village and considered an unwanted child. They thought I was crazy." I let out a laugh. "He was evil, and everyone feared him. He killed curses and jujutsu sorcerers, but that didn't stop me."

That was a lie. Finding that he had killed the jujutsu sorcerer got us to take a break, but I won't mention it.

"However, jujutsu sorcerers arrived at the village, destroying it and killing people. Their goal was to eliminate Sukuna, which they did. I was their next target, but Yuko sealed me away."

"What was his name?" Himari asked.

"Ryomen Sukuna."


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