Chapter Twelve

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It's warm...

As my eyes fluttered open, I found Sukuna asleep beside me, his arms embracing me, holding me close. I smiled at the sight of him peacefully resting. My fingers gently traced over the black markings on his face.

As Sukuna's eyes slowly opened, his gaze met mine, and a soft smile curved his lips. "Good morning," I said. He tightened his embrace, pulling me closer. "Morning," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

"Let's just stay like this a little longer," he murmured, closing his eyes again as he nestled against me.

Screw it. I could use another hour.

● ● ●

Sukuna sat on the opposite side of the table while Uraume brought breakfast in. "I'll be out for a while. I have a meeting to attend," I announced. "What kind of meeting?" he asked.

It's just a business meeting, Sukuna," I replied, pouring myself a cup of coffee. "Nothing else."

He leaned back in his chair, eyeing me curiously. "Business meeting, huh? With whom?" I chuckled, shaking my head. "Seriously?"

"With whom," he repeated, but this time it wasn't a question. "It's with Grandma Momo and someone else."

"Well, I've got to go before I'm late," I said, grabbing my jacket. "Bye," I leaned in and kissed Sukuna. I left and walked to Grandma Momo's house. When I arrived, I entered the living room to find Grandma Momo with an unfamiliar man. "Y/N, this is Ren," Grandma Momo said. "Hi," I said, smiling as I shook his hand. "The others won't be here today, so let's start this meeting."

Since I'm just a human, I can't do much, so my job is simple: attend meetings and talk about the village and the upcoming events.

"I'll be right back," Grandma Momo said. She grabbed our cups and headed to the kitchen, leaving Ren and me alone.

"So, you're Ryomen Sukuna's girlfriend. How did you two meet?" Ren asked. "We met during the Heian Era, and Sukuna saved my life," I responded.

"The Heian Era? Does that mean you're over a thousand years old?" I felt a slight twitch in my brow at his question. Age hadn't really crossed my mind. I've been sealed away, but does that really mean I'm over a thousand years old?

"How did you catch the attention of Ryomen Sukuna? To be honest, I expected better. Ryomen Sukuna, the King of Curses, falling in love with a human?" He chuckled.

My brow twitched again.

Seriously? What's Ren's issue? Is he upset because I disagreed with him?

After the meeting, I wasted no time packing up and leaving. Just when I was about to leave, Ren stopped me. "Y/N! Sorry about what I said. I didn't mean to offend you." Offend me? You basically just told me that I'm not good enough for Sukuna because I'm human.

"Well, you sure did. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go home." I brushed past him, but Ren grabbed my wrist.

"Wait, look, I don't want you to hate me, Y/N. I'm new around the village, and I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I'm sorry," he apologized. "Apologies accepted," I replied. "Would you like to go grab a drink?" he asked. I could use a drink or two, and it wouldn't hurt to talk and make a new friend.


● ● ●

Fuck... I've had more than just a couple of drinks. I can hardly think straight. I'm definitely drunk.

"I really should go home, Ren," I said, forcing myself to stand up, stumbling on my own feet. Ren followed closely behind me. "Let me walk you home, Y/N," Ren said.

"No, it's alright," I replied.

"I insist."

"She said she was alright." My body froze at the voice.

I looked up to see Sukuna, and he didn't look too happy. His gaze pierced Ren as if he was going to kill him.

"Sukuna," I mumbled. Sukuna grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "Seriously? I'm perfectly capable of walking, you know!"

"It certainly doesn't seem like 'nothing else' to me," he said, his grip tightening around me. "Oh, come on! I only went out for a drink. I can't do that now," I exclaimed, struggling to break free from his grasp. "Sukuna, please, let me down! It's embarrassing for you to carry me around like this," I pleaded. Sukuna ignored me, and he smacked my ass, causing my cheeks to flush red. "Hey!"

When we arrived, Uraume assisted me with showering because I was too intoxicated, and Sukuna was mad at me.

As I entered the room, Sukuna was seated on a chair, glaring at me. I settled onto the bed, meeting his gaze. "Are you mad?" I mumbled. "No," he replied, getting up and approaching me. He gently brushed his hand against my cheek. "Get some rest, love."


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