Chapter Eighteen

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I've searched everywhere, but I can't find them. "Rei, have you seen where Sukuna and the kids are?" I asked. "Master Sukuna is out in the garden with the kids," Rei responded. "Thank you," I replied gratefully. "Do you need me to help you?" Rei offered, but I shook my head. I went down the stairs and made my way outside to the garden.

When I arrived at the garden, I saw Sukuna sitting down on the wooden platform, showing Haruto one of his techniques: Cleave.

"Dad, do it again! Do it again!" Haruto yelled. Sukuna swung his hand, cleaving through a tree and splitting it in half. "Woah! You have to teach me that!" Haruto exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. "Your mom would kill me if I did," Sukuna chuckled.

"I understand you're eager to learn your father's techniques, Haruto, but I don't want you to get hurt," I said, crossing my arms as I stared at Sukuna. I walked over and took a seat beside Sukuna. Haruto dashed into my arms. "Mommy!" I leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead. "Good morning, Haru."

"Mom, I'm seven! I won't get hurt. I'll be strong just like dad!" Haruto puffed his cheeks out, avoiding my gaze. I shot Sukuna a warning glare. "Sorry," he mouthed.

"How are you feeling? Do you need—" Sukuna asked. "Sukuna, I'm fine. Just like the last two, I can handle this one too."

The sound of the door opening caught our attention, and I saw Rei walking in. "Sorry for the interruption, but Kazuki woke up."

"Mama! Dada!" Kazuki walked slowly towards me, his little hands reaching out for us. "Morning, Kazuki!" I greeted with a warm smile as Sukuna lifted him into his arms.

Kazuki has pink hair, Sukuna has black markings on his forehead, and his eyes are (E/C).

Kazuki giggled, his tiny hand reaching out to grab onto Sukuna's finger. "Play with me, dada."

Haruto is seven years old, Kazuki is three years old, and I have another one on the way—a baby girl

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Haruto is seven years old, Kazuki is three years old, and I have another one on the way—a baby girl.

● ● ●

"Daddy!" Kazuki squealed, running into Sukuna's open arms. Sukuna scooped him up effortlessly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Are you ready to go out?" Sukuna's asked as he glanced towards me, his gaze sharp yet affectionate. I nodded, holding Haruto's hand.

As we strolled through the village, we stopped by various shops.

My eyes were drawn to a kimono that looked like the one I got for Sukuna, only this one was black and red. "What about this one, Haruto?" I asked, holding up the black kimono. Haruto nodded in agreement. I got Kazuki a black and white kimono.

As we strolled past a restaurant, the smell of skewers and steaming dumplings enveloped the air. I reached for Sukuna's hand. "Can we eat here?" I gestured toward the restaurant. "Sure," he replied.

● ● ●

After shopping, we made our way towards the field. Sukuna held Haruto and Kazuki in his arms. When we reached the field, Haruto and Kazuki played on the field, chasing each other around. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the field. Sukuna and I settled into a cozy spot on the soft grass, and I rested my head against his shoulder.

Sukuna gently rested one of his hand on my stomach. I shifted slightly, getting closer to Sukuna as he wrapped his arm around me.

I watched Haruto and Kazuki run around, their laughter echoing across the field. I glanced up at him, catching the soft curve of his smile as he gazed at our children playing.

Sukuna's fingers intertwined with mine, his touch was gentle yet firm. He pressed a kiss to my forehead, his affectionate warming my heart. "I love you," he said. My heart flutter. "I love you too," I replied softly. He leaned in, his lips brushing against mine, until they met in a passionate kiss.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Haruto and Kazuki exclaimed, rushing into our arms. I chuckled as I embraced them, planting kisses on their cheeks.

Despite our love being forbidden, as long as I had them by my side, everything would be alright.



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