Chapter Three

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(AN: Sukuna is 13, and you're 12.)

My heart pounded against my ribcage as I watched Ryomen Sukuna chat with Yorozu. They were talking about something, their heads bent close together, and it felt like a thousand knives stabbing at my heart. I clenched my fists, feeling the bitter twist of jealousy knotting in my stomach.

Sukuna glanced up, catching my eye for a moment. I quickly looked away, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I stood up and quietly exited the classroom. As I hurried down the hallway, the echo of my footsteps seemed to match the pounding of my heart. When I reached the end of the hallway, I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves before leaving school.

I strolled along a path, when I noticed a group of boys up ahead. They were gathered around, laughing and joking amongst themselves. I paid no attention to them and continued my walk. But as I drew closer, I began to hear their conversation.

"Hey, check out that girl," one of the boys said with a snicker, nudging his friend and pointing in my direction. "Can you believe that she's dating Ryomen Sukuna, the unwanted child? She's just a weak human. What does he even see in her?"

I felt a surge of anger rise within me, but I clenched my fists and tried to ignore them. However, as I attempted to walk past them, one of the boys stepped into my path, blocking my way.

"Where do you think you're going, human?" he sneered. My jaw tightened. "I'm just trying to enjoy a peaceful walk," I replied, attempting to sidestep him. But the boy wasn't having it. With a mocking laugh, he shoved me roughly, causing me to stumble backward. "Not so fast, sweetheart. We're not done with you yet."

"What's your problem?" I yelled, my voice trembling with anger. "Our problem is you, human. You think you can waltz around here like you're one of us," he taunted. "What? Are you going to run to your little boyfriend and cry?"

"I don't need Sukuna to defend me," I said. "I can handle you all on my own."

● ● ●

"Seriously? I've been gone for just an hour, and you return all bloody and bruised?" Yuko yelled, placing her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes, averting my gaze from Yuko. "They started it," I muttered defensively. Yuko's brow twitched, her frustration reaching a boiling point. "You're really an idiot!" she exclaimed.

Yuko shook her head in disbelief. "Where is your first aid kit?"

"In the bathroom," I replied. Yuko went to the bathroom and retrieved the first aid kit.

"Who did you fight with?" Yuko asked as she rubbed alcohol on my cut. "I don't know."

"Did you win?" Yuko asked as she placed a bandage on the cut. "Of course," I replied with a smirk. Yuko let out a laugh.

● ● ●


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the village, I eagerly awaited for Sukuna to arrive for our date at the Light Festival. I stood outside my house, wearing my favorite yukata, nervously fidgeting with my hair, heart pounding with excitement.

I spotted Sukuna approaching. My cheeks flushed red as he drew near, his presence sending a flutter through my heart. "You look beautiful," Sukuna said, making my heart fluttered. "Thank you!" I replied with a smile.

Hand in hand, we made our way through the streets toward the Light Festival. The air was filled with the scent of street food and the sound of laughter. As we entered the festival grounds, my eyes widened in awe at the sight before me. Thousands of colorful lights were in every corner and yatai was everywhere.

We wandered through the stalls and attractions, trying different foods and playing games along the way. We headed to the top of the hill to get a good view of everything. Sukuna settled onto the soft grass and I settled beside him, our shoulders brushing.

As the first fireworks lit up the night sky. I whispered, "The fireworks are beautiful." Sukuna said something, but I couldn't hear him over the fireworks. He reached for my hand, his fingers intertwining with mine.

I glanced at Sukuna, our gazes locking. His hand cupped my cheek, his touch sending shivers down my spine. He leaned in, and our lips met in a tender kiss. I could feel myself melting against his touch.

 I could feel myself melting against his touch

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