Chapter Ten

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"You're telling me that the villagers built this castle for you because they worshipped you?" I walked through the rooms. Everything looked clean. Even the throne room, which had been a pile of bones stacked up, with a throne made of bones on top.

"Uraume and Yuko will be here soon," Sukuna said, walking away.


"Wait, where are you going?" I asked, following him. "I have urgent business to deal with." Before I could catch up with him, he disappeared.

As I began to walk, my body suddenly froze.

This presence.

I turned around to find Yuko standing there with a smile on her face. "Hey, Y/N," she greeted, waving her hand.

"I'm so happy to see you, but also angry," I admitted, embracing Yuko tightly before smacking her arm. "It's been a thousand years, and you didn't even come to visit me! I thought you were gone."

"Sorry, Y/N!" Yuko exclaimed. "There were a lot of complications in the way, so it made it difficult to talk to you. Anyway, we have a lot of chatting to do. I need to know everything."

After chatting, Yuko had to leave because she had some matters to attend to, and it's been hours now, but Sukuna still hasn't returned home.

I made my way up the stairs when the castle door opened, and Sukuna and Uraume walked in. Sukuna made his way inside, blood staining his clothes, with a cruel grin on his face. "Uraume, prepare my bath," he ordered.

Sukuna's gaze ascended the stairs until it met with mine. Heat flooded my cheeks, and my heart quickened. I went up the steps and made my way to the room.

● ● ●

As I lay in bed, struggling to sleep, I tossed and turned, unable to shake the thought of his crimson eyes locked onto mine. "You got to be kidding me." I turned away from the door, closed my eyes, and pretended to be asleep. As he entered the room, my heart began to race.

Sukuna's arms wrapped around me from behind, a shiver ran down my spine. I could feel his warm breath against my neck as he leaned in, pressing a kiss against my skin. "You can't fool me, love," Sukuna murmured in a low, husky voice. "I know you're awake."

His hand slid up my nightgown. "I don't think I can resist you," he admitted, his lips brushing against my ear. "Sukuna," I whispered as I turned to face him, my eyes meeting his crimson gaze. Sukuna grasped my hip, lifting me onto his lap. My gaze drifted down his chest, lingering on the black markings and his hard abs. A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he leaned in to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss.

Sukuna's grasp tightened around my waist as he flipped me over, pinning me beneath him. One of his hands rubbed over my clit. "It's been a thousand years," he said, leaving a trail of kisses along my neck, "since I last touched you." He worked his way down until he came to a stop between my legs. He stared at my wet clit, a smirk on his lips. "Since I tasted you." He leaned in, licking my clit, making me moan.

It's been a thousand years since I felt this much pleasure.

"Sukuna, please," I pleaded.

The tension in my body builds up, drawing me closer to coming, but Sukuna pulls away, leaving me breathless. Sukuna loosens the bottom part of his kimono, revealing himself.

What. The. Fuck.

"Wait, wait, that isn't going to fit," I muttered. "Really? Because a thousand years ago, you were begging for me to fuck that pretty pussy of yours," he said, rubbing his cock over my wet clit. I bit my bottom lip. "Go slowly," I mumbled, feeling my cheek flush red. "I can't promise that, love." Sukuna continued to rub, then slowly thrust into me. "Fuck, you're so tight," he groaned. He began with slow thrusts, then started to increase his pace, thrusting swiftly and forcefully. "Sukuna, I'm going to—" He cut me off with a kiss.

● ● ●

A knock on the door startled me awake. "Fuck," I muttered, rubbing my eyes. As I reached out beside me, I realized the bedside was empty.

There was another knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, trying to move, but a sharp pain shot through my back. The door opened, and Uraume entered. "Y/N, your breakfast is ready," she said, bowing.

"Thank you, Uraume. I'll be down in a minute," I said, forcing a smile despite the pain coursing through my body.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, wincing at the ache. I pushed myself up, relying on the nightstand for support. I shuffled towards the closet, searching for something comfortable to wear. After dressing, I made my way downstairs, each step throbbed with pain in my back.

As I stepped into the kitchen, the delightful smell of breakfast filled the room. "It smells wonderful, Uraume! Thank you for the food!" I settled into my seat and began to eat. I glanced around and noticed Sukuna was around. "Where is Sukuna?" I asked.

"Master Sukuna is in the throne room and is in a meeting," Uraume replied.

A meeting?

● ● ●

I know Sukuna was in a meeting, but I'm curious to know what they're talking about. I peeked around the corner, trying to listen to the conversation. Just as I leaned in to hear better, a sudden creak behind me broke the silence. My pulse quickened, and I froze. "Sorry," I stuttered, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Everyone leave," Sukuna demanded. The people rushed out of the room, and before I could react, Sukuna placed me on his lap.

"Sorry for interrupting your meeting," I mumbled, averting my gaze. Sukuna reached out, gently turning my chin to meet his gaze. "I don't care about them," Sukuna said, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down my spine.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer, his warm breath against my ear. "All I need is you," he whispered, sending a rush of heat through me. His lips pressed against mine in a passionate kiss.

 His lips pressed against mine in a passionate kiss

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