Chapter 57.

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Nandini Murthy's POV

"Aww, Ankush can they look any more perfect than this!" Exclaimed Vibha from our periphery and I took a glance in her direction. Her hands were clasped and with a sparkling adoration in her eyes, she was admiring us. Ankush who stood right next to her, nodded in affirmation at her comment.

My cheeks felt warm as they grew crimson under Manik's heated gaze and due to all the attention that was centred upon us. On an instant, my head hung a little low out of shyness. The bold feeling that once surged inside me, was now gone and that previous self-consciousness found its way back.

"I'm getting late for the office, I think it's better that I leave." A monotonous announcement with an underlying bitterness came from Nikki, which subsequently took the attention away from us. Well I wanted nothing more than her being gone from here right now and if she thinks the same then even great for me because she'll do me a favour and save my mood from getting sour ahead.

But Vibha was thinking otherwise for she immediately butted a disagreement,"no, please don't go yet. I have already prepared breakfast and besides these two will be leaving shortly." Said her as she referred to both the men in the room. "You can go with them after eating some food and I really don't like to leave my guests on an empty stomach when they visit our home, so please, I really insist."

On her persistence, there seemed to be slight change in Nikki's plan. My jaw hardened just by the thought of tolerating her longer in the same space as myself.

"Vibha, let her go if she so much wants to be at the office on time. Why have her loss because of us?" Ankush reasoned. I really like this guy even though I'm not yet so much acquainted with him. The man has got some brains. Only wish his wife could've shared some of his brain cells too.

"Nikki," he called, "You should go. We will see you soon at the office, hmm?" Ankush literally began dragging her by her arm towards the door and if this isn't entertaining then I don't know what is! Without my knowing, there was a small smirk tugging at my lips.

Vibha seemed offended at her husband's impolite behaviour. She was about to interrupt them when Manik stood up and went near her. He put his palm over the left shoulder of Vibha, who had a frowning face, her mouth was agape as she kept staring unbelievably at her husband.

She looked at Manik, in order to ask him to stop his dear friend. Instead, Manik blinked his eyes at her, in a kind of a gesture that was made to assure her that her husband was doing the right thing at that time. Her lips closed into a grim line and it was a clear indication that she was still not happy with it.

When Ankush was successful in kicking the suddenly reluctant Nikki out of their house, he closed the door after her and heaved a heavy sigh whilst he leaned against it, "finally, got rid of the trouble."

"How could you say such a thing Ankush?" Irked by his statement, Vibha almost yelled at him.

"Oh come on Vibu, the naïve you always think that the whole world is as good as you are but seriously, you have no idea about what a low-life that two timing bitch is!" Was Ankush's explanation in the utmost exasperation.

"Alright, I've had enough of your misbehaviour now and I definitely won't tolerate such a language in my house," an angry Vibha wagged her forefinger in a warning at Ankush, "and definitely won't have it if you go around disrespecting a woman."

For the time, me and Manik were just moving our heads to & fro only for the sake of staying out of the argument that broke between the married couple but now sensing the gravity of it, by the way it was taking turn through Vibha's misunderstanding towards Ankush, Manik thought to jump into their quarrel & to stop them before it could get any worse.

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