Chapter 47.

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Nandini Murthy's POV—

I woke up to the sound of constant chirpings of birds in distant. Squirming underneath the thick blankets, I stared into nothingness. A creame coloured ceiling, margined with an intricate patterns was the only blurrily visible thing to my sight. An involuntary yawn came out of me. I brought my arm up and placed it over my forehead. For few good minutes, I layed there in the same position, doing nothing as well as thinking nothing.

Some time later, I sighed and shifted in bed to sit upright. My head now leaned upon the bed post and my eyes shut closed. What is left of my life now? It is starting to seem meaningless to me. The things that were happening, they were more than enough to explode the bare minimum sanity existing within me. Nothing seemed real. At this moment, it felt as though I was living into a nightmare. Lost. So much that I have forgotten to find my way out of it. I am desparate to wake up and see that everything is back to the way it was before.

Before Manik Malhotra happened to my life!

At least the life that I lived then, was particularly sorted for me although however plain and boring it was. I had things planned and most importantly I had every situation under my control. But talking of now, things were barely happening as per my wish. The reigns of my life were in the hands of another and everything was out of order.

I remember the time when I had vouched to make Manik suffer. I remember how I was shaking with an immense rage, with bloodshot tear filled eyes, standing in the porch of the house. I had then pledged to drag his light into my darkness as well as to make him rot within it. I had planned to destroy him bit by bit so that he would beg for an escape from me and my world and would never look back here. Ironically, it's me who's suffering now and begging for an escape from the world that he has created around us.

He was still a mystery. I was yet to resolve how he has managed to survive his death. In a haze, I began banging my head against the bed post lightly. My eyebrows were narrowed and lines of distress appeared on my forehead. My lips remained pressed and both my hands were busy digging my nails into the soft fabric of my blanket.

A gentle brushing of strands of my hair behind my ear, alerted me into opening my eyes. I stopped the banging because I found a presence of a palm put behind the back of my head. It was barely there, making no contact yet forming a secure boundary between the bed post and me.

"Good morning!" Manik greeted closer to my face. My orbs went back and forth on over him, examining every detail of his expressions.

"What, no greetings in return?" Amused, he asked and I kept my mum.

With an annoying smirk, he leaned and placed a feathery soft peck over my dry lips. I wanted to feel disgusted but instead felt good due to the tingling of his lingering touch.

I gasped at my thought and immediately drew some space between us by putting my hands over his torso. "Don't!" I spoke almost into a warning.

"Don't what?" He challenged. All this while, his eyes roamed everywhere on my face and halted back again onto my lips.

I looked away from him and said, "don't trick me by seduction." My voice came as a hoarse whisper due to sleep.

"You still think, I am tricking you Nandini?" He came closer and braced his hands around my waist. I made a feeble attempt to cut out from his hold but whimpered when I felt a pain shot through my nursed hand.

Manik loosened one of his arm and took a hold of my wrist. A wrist that I had impulsively damaged. He gently brushed his fingers over the dressing which he himself have done for me. Seconds ticked and suddenly, he pressured his fingers over my wound making me hiss in agony.

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