Chapter 29.

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[NOTE: To relate and figure the coming storyline,I suppose you all need to go through Chapter 26 again,(where Nandini gets some rough flashbacks from their past-life) just incase you have had a long leap.]

Manik Malhotra's POV -

"And I believe,it's about time!"
Said the statue.

I had my eyes glued to the finely sculpted stone-art. Words failed me and for a moment I thought that somebody knocked the life out of me, for I was too stunned to react.

"I know you are unable to fathom anything happening right here, but I promise,I have answers to all of your doubts." The statue spoke to me again.

I came to know the dryness in my throat and hence I gulped a lump.

"I-you-I mean,me-how?" I stuttered in a jumbled mindset and with the amount of annoyance plastered on my face,I raked my hands once more through my thick hairs.

With my jaw set, I glared dead in the eyes of the statue and firmly asked,"What are you and what tricks are you playing?" I demanded but not without a warning,"Don't you dare twist the words this time, give me a straight forward answer!

My forefinger was pointed out and my chest rose and fell constantly due to the building anger and restlessness. Despite my attempt of being genuinely furious,all it did was to hurl another ring of laughter at me. My fist curled and I resisted the urge to lock it against the sharp jawline of the stone. But not for too long,that he decided to answer-

"I am that sinner who was forbidden from the garden of heavens. 'Morning star', the meaning of my name, but it puts a shame to the position I hold in this humongous underworld." He scoffed, vast and loud in disapproval.

"You ask me 'who I am?'," there was prideful pause to his introductory speech but eventually,he continued in his mischief covered tone,
"I am the master of evil...a fallen angel from the sky,yet I am the devil! I am a villain to the story of every hero but there again, I am life as well as the death of all the demons. I may be the cruelty but I am gentle for my lady. I am a fire that might burn the entire universe, but my flames can only be tamed by the woman I love! I may be the world's destruction but she's my destruction. I am the lord of darkness! A Satan himself who is an infamous and insane lover to his queen ... I am the Lucifer... My Lilith's Lucifer!"

He finished with an utmost honour. All of a sudden, I felt as though,I was kicked into some ancient book. I was still not ready to believe a word. It appeared as a sheer nonsense to me. I held back any counter remark that came to my mind and just kept mum.

"Would you not dig for more?" Confused,He questioned at my silence to which I just shook my head in a no.

"How about this...if I say, whatever happened ever since you visited the lake was all my doing?" He announced smugly and although I was partly intrigued to know furthermore yet I showed no sign of interest.

He made a mockery of my stubbornness by snorting at me for the umpteenth time. Irrately, I grinded my teeth against eachother and took an about turn to leave.

"You can't just walk out from here without knowing nothing,or else this all shall go in vain!" He ordered from behind but I gave him a deaf ear and proceeded, "For Nandini's sake..." Came his further short whisper which had me put a halt on my quick strides.

I spun in an inhuman speed,the creases on my forehead deepend and my gaze scrutinized onto the pale grey figure, "What does she has to do with all this?" I spoke spitefully.

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