Chapter 54.

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Mr.Vora's POV—

"Okay children, it was good to spend time with you two." I said, while ambling out of the house. Manik and Nandini followed my steps.

"You could've stayed." Nandini spoke from behind, her voice, dull and sad. My child is so precious. I waited so long to live up to this day and I admit, it is all worth the wait. Nothing gives a foster parent as much happiness as their child's acceptance and love towards them.

"I wish I could but I need to leave, I have already extended my stay here, so not anymore. Also, I have another house to look after." I tried reasoning with her.

After crossing the threshold, I faced both the children, who were staring back at me by contouring unhappy expressions.

"Come on, don't give me those looks," I said while slapping my hand against the air, "I will keep visiting you two very often to check on you, after all, I don't trust this young man just yet." I added and passed a calculative gaze at Manik on purpose who in return glared at me.

"You can't be serious!" Tight-lipped, he exclaimed.

Me and Nandini chortled heartily at his expense. And subsequently, when our laughter settled down, I went near the grumpy faced Manik and gave three proud pats on his shoulder.

"I was just kidding! If there's anyone that I trust to be with her then it's you, my son." I admitted to him without any hesitation.

"I am getting jealous right now." Standing beside us, Nandini deadpanned. Her arms crossed on her torso.

"Don't worry, he's all yours. Once I leave, you can keep him to yourself." Teasingly, I gave her a double thumbs up and watched as both of theirs mouths went appalled.

"Hawwww!! Have you exchanged your soul with Manik? You are speaking things just as shamelessly as him." My daughter exploded as she tried her best to hide her blushing face away from the two of us.

"Did I say something wrong Manik?" This time, I targeted him who was seeking free entertainment.

"Well, no not at all!" And as soon as he said that, Nandini pinched him on his elbow, making me laugh much more louder.

"I guess, I really think that I would be in dire need of protection from her domestic violence, after you leave." Manik made a hissing comment as he kept rubbing on the pinched skin to soothe it.

To this, Nandini stomped her feet and curled both her fists, "you both are so cruel." She whined, making us chuckle at her child-like tone.

Eventually, ceasing the fun, I gently traced my palm over her head and uttered, "take care."

Pouting, she nodded.

I averted my gaze to Manik and said, "take care of her as well as yourself." My tone got stern as I further instructed them, "make sure to close everything when you are about to go elsewhere. Also, eat well and eat on time, do not wander outside during late hours, it can be dangerous out there in the forest, don't waste water and electricity and most importantly, don't fight, okay?"

"The last one applies specifically to you Nandini." Manik shot his eyebrows distinctively at her to rile her up.

"Manikkk!!" I yelled in a fake warning.

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