Xiaoven ☁️

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Xiao POV:

I sit on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, looking out into the endless sky. There are no lights but of the moon, and of his beautiful eyes in my thoughts. Part of me wishes that Venti was here to accompany me, but as an Adeptus--the Vigilant Yaksha--I must travel alone. But, of course, there are always exceptions. 

The air is calm, but I feel something blow in my direction, messing up my already unbrushed hair even more. The wind gets closer, and I hear a 'pop!' sound, as a figure approaches me. 

Venti's small arms wrap around me from behind, placing a kiss on the back of my neck. 

"Hey, Xiao." He says warmly, and I smile a bit. Under almost any exceptions, I wouldn't even show emotions, but with Venti I'm allowed to smile and be free. He's the Archon of freedom, after all. I certainly enjoy Mondstadt because of that, but I am confined to Liyue by contract of Rex Lapis. 

"Hi, Venti. What brings you here so late?" I ask him, and he sits up against the railing with me. 

"I wanted to keep you company. I had a hunch that you'd be up so late. Besides, you know I love spending time with you." He says and rests his head on my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his waist and pull him in a bit closer to me. 

"I've missed you too." I respond, kissing his cheek and sighing contently. 

"We can stargaze till the dawn...'tis only fate." Venti says. I smile. 

"You don't have to keep the poetry up. You're sounding like that one girl from your city...very elegantly spoken. I've only seen her from afar, but we've never properly met..." I say, thinking for a name. 

"Mona?" Venti suggests after a while. 

"Yeah, I think that's the one. Always talking about the stars...and scrying..."  I say hesitantly. 

"Yes, you're correct. But she's a bit...odd. I'd rather hang out with you, anyways." He tells me. I chuckle a bit and squeeze his hand. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too, Xiao." 

Perhaps this night will be a bit more pleasant, with Venti to keep me company. I've known him for centuries, yet those butterfly feelings I get in my stomach haven't worn off. He's a bit too perfect for me, and I can't even put into words how lucky I feel. 

Venti might no longer be Barbatos, especially after he's been robbed of his Gnosis by the Fatui, but to me, he's still just as amazing as one of the Seven. We sit together, cuddling, for a few hours, but eventually he suggests we sleep. I flip open a pocket watch---it's 2 a.m. 

"You must be tired," Venti says, "would you like to go to sleep?" 

"Yeah, if you're with me." I say, smiling to myself. He grabs hold of my hand and teleports us with a breeze to a quieter part of Liyue where we often go together. Thankfully, midsummer weather is quite comfortable, and I need no blankets to keep warm. 

We lie down, and I hold him tightly. I'm well aware that he won't be able to stay with me forever in my presence, but we will always be able to visit me and rekindle. 

Something about Venti makes me feel comfortable and warm inside, like nothing could ever go wrong if he's with me. 

The Yaksha is allowed love, and the Archon is allowed love. 

(sorry for the short chapter; Thomato is next <3)

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