Eimiko 🔪☁️

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I'm back!! 😎😎😎 (post-Inazuma archon quest, and post character quest 1 & 2)

Ei (not Raiden Shogun) POV: 

I can't believe it. After so many years together with Yae, we still haven't talked about all of our lives. There is still so much that she has yet to know about me, and I assume vice versa. Though, I'm not much of a talker. So, I suppose, to some regard, it makes sense.

She's quite cunning and knows how to be sly, as well as extremely intimidating when she wants to be. Most often, however, she chooses to be flirtatious. The number of times I've heard her talking about how flustered she's made the little puppy general is larger than I can remember.

It's not that I have any intention of hiding myself from her. Quite the opposite, actually. I feel a sense of ease being able to be so close to someone, let alone a lover. Of course, the Traveler knows more about me than most, but unlike Yae, we started off on negative terms. 

Yae Miko, the 'pink fox lady,' the 'kitsune,' the love of my life. Actually...scrap that last part. I'm not the mushy type and neither is she. Although, nobody could turn down a sweet sentiment. Simply put, Miko and I are close. Who said partners can't be your best friend, too? 

Of course, she knows about my sister. She knows about the grief and the pain and the sorrow. Yet, for reasons I don't understand, Yae has stayed with me through all of it. Maybe she understands me and knows what it's like, but I think it's because she loves me enough to stay. 

I mean, nothing's for certain. I should ask her about that, actually...

A/N: I have a life update! I got SA'd recently, and because of that, I don't want to write smut for...obvious reasons. Maybe not forever, but at least for now. I'm sorry to disappoint y'all, but for my own mental health I can't bring myself to do that. Also, yes, this chapter is veryyyyy short because I'm kind of facing writer's block and don't know what to even write. I'll try my best to recover and better myself from now on. I'm genuinely sorry for the inconvenience. Honestly, most of you only came here for the smut, and probably aren't even reading this because there isn't a lemon emoji next to the chapter name. But if you've made it this far, thank you. (Btw, to give some perspective, I'm turning 14 in September and he was like 20 smthn)

Yup yup so another life update: I am officially 14! Yeah that's probably weird that a minor would be writing shit like this without parental supervision but here we are 🤷 bye bye privacy I guess....ANYWAYS the smut has returned! Oh and also my mom tried to get the cops involved but they were like 'nope sorry teehee' and so now he hasn't been arrested or had any punishment at all so uh... that's fucking great 😑 I'm finnneeeeee though :D (h/j) 


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