Iyato ☁️🍋

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(I feel like they'd both be tops, but I'll do Itto bottom for this one bc we love a submissive daddy. <3)

P.S, this chapter is loooong, so I hope you're happy. You know who you are. 

Itto POV:

I haven't visited Ayato in a while. He's really fun to beetle-battle, actually. He's my bro. That's just our thing. His sister, Ayaka, doesn't care about the beetle fights. She cares about stupid frilly things like fan dancing. Beetles are manly. Ayato gets that! He's really understanding on a lot of things, actually. Unlike Shinobu. She's kinda scary sometimes. 

Like, one time, I lost a game of TCG with a kid, and I got kinda angry. I just got mad. Like, nothing crazy. But then Ms. Buzzkill showed up and made me say sorry. A real man doesn't say sorry. Also, the kid was crying, but who gives a heck? Kids are dumb. 

I walk up to the Kamisato Estate and a guard stops me before I can enter. 

"State your business. Criminals are not allowed on this property." He says. I roll my eyes. 

"Criminal? Me? Ppphhhtt, you're crazy. I'm here to hang out with my bro Ayato." I respond. He looks at me with a skeptical frown. 

"Do you have his permission to enter?" The guard asks. I shrug. 

"Not specifically. But tell him I'm here. He'll let me in." I tell him. He's quite shorter than me, the guard, and I have to look down to see his face. It's hard not to look menacing. He looks at me one more time, then walks inside, presumably to ask Ayato. 

After a minute or two, the guard exits with Ayato. He waves to me with a smile. 

"Itto, how are you?" He asks, "sorry if my guards caused you trouble." I shrug. 

"No biggie. Hey, wanna beetle fight?" I ask him. Ayato seems a bit hesitant.

"I'm not quite in the mood for that. Would you like to talk instead? I have a bit of paperwork to do before we can chat, though. I hope you don't mind waiting..." He informs me. I say nothing, and he takes a sip of his boba. 

He never doesn't have boba on him. I mean, I guess he just really likes it. I don't think I've ever tried boba, actually. 

"Sure, I can wait." I say finally. He smiles gently and walks back into the building. I follow him. After a while, we reach his office, and he sits back down at his desk. I take a seat on the floor because there are no other chairs. I kinda just twiddle my thumbs and look around, not knowing what to do. 

Eventually he places his pen down and looks at me. 

"I hope I didn't have you waiting too long." He says. 

"It's okay, bro. You done now though?" I respond.

"I believe so. Is there something you wanted to discuss with me, since you came all this way over?" Ayato asks. 

"Just wanted to beetle fight." I say with a toothy grin. He looks at me with a blank face for a few seconds. 

"I already told you: I'm not really in the mood. Would you like to do something else, though?" He tells me. I frown and pick at my skin a bit. 

"I'm not sure... What's life been like for you recently?" I ask, not knowing what to say. 

"The usual. Paperwork, conferences, y'know. The norm." He says. I don't have much to build off of. 

"I guess I haven't had many new things happen to me either... But one of my boys got a chick recently. He won't shut up about her, and lovey-dovey isn't the vibe of the Arataki Gang. We're punks! Not... Whatever the hell is happening." I say. 

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