Cynari 🍋

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Literally I have a whole Cynari ship book I wrote, so I'm copy & pasting the smut from it :D

Tighnari POV:

I hold onto Cyno's hand and lead him into my bedroom. To be completely honest, I'm scared. My heart is racing at the speed of light. Even though this is the second time, it's almost as if this time is scarier. Last time I was filled with complete adrenaline, and wasn't really thinking.

It was a novelty of sorts. But this time, it's different. It's not me losing my virginity. It's not even the idea of having sex. It's that Cyno of all people was doing it with me! I take a deep breath in, and close the door behind us as we enter the room.

Both of our shirts are still off, so there wasn't much undressing to do. I lie down in the bed, and watch as he takes off his pants and boxers. My jaw hangs open at the sight.

"What?" He asks me playfully. I didn't know how to respond.

"I forgot about that..." I say. He seems to understand and smiles.

"It's okay. We can take it slow." He comforts me. I'm still a bit nervous though. He climbs onto the bed, waiting for me to take off my own clothing. I do as implied, removing my shorts and boxers as well. He seems a bit less surprised.

In all honesty, he's at least one or two inches longer than me. Archons, am I lucky.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"F-for what?" I ask.

"I'm going to touch you. Is that okay?"He asks, rubbing my hand with his.

"Yeah...that's okay." I respond. He puts me on my side, and he does the same to himself, so that we're facing each other. He uses one hand to rub my dick, and the other to hold his own.

Painfully slowly he starts stroking both of us. I start whimpering, trying not to moan. It feels so good and I want more.

"F-faster...!" I whine. He smirks and complies, but only increasing the speed slightly. Somehow he seems unfazed, as if he's not as hard as I am. No longer am I breathing steadily, and my breath gets more rapid.

"Cyno!" I cry out. Never before did I think I'd make such a sound while saying his name. He finally increases the speed, stroking me quicker than ever. At this point I'm purposely clenching my ass to prevent myself from moaning, cumming, and/or thrusting aggressively.

He keeps going, massaging my tip with his thumb. This pushes me over my breaking point and I cum on his hand. He is unfazed and just lets go, continuing to pleasure himself until he cums as well.

"Now...what?" I ask, out of breath. I'm already sweating.

"That was just the pre-stage. I gotta prep you now, before we can actually do the full thing." Cyno tells me.

"'Prep'?" I ask him, catching my breath.

"I put lube on your ass so my penis can go in easier." He says.

"O-oh...okay." I say.

"Do you know the cat pose in yoga?" He asks me.

"Yeah. That's where you go on your hands and knees, right?" I ask him. He nods.

"Do that." He instructs me. I oblige, and he gets some of the spare cum on the sheets onto his fingertips.

"This might be a bit cold." He says.

"That's okay. I'm ready." I say. Suddenly, I feel something smily rubbing against my hole. I shudder a bit, but allow him to continue. He pushes his fingers in me a little further, and takes them out again.

"There. You're ready." He tells me.

"What position now?" I ask him.

"Hm...easiest was is for you to stay where you are. But I want to try something different." He says.

"Should I be scared?" I ask him.

"Not at all. You know I'd never hurt you." He reassures me.

"Okay, so sit on my lap." Cyno instructs me. I crawl over to him. Before I can get on, he stops me.

"It's gonna go in your butt when you sit down, so be ready." He tells me. I nod, and sit onto his lap. I feel it going up my hole, and wiggle my ass around a bit. I finally sigh and stop holding myself up, letting all of his length go inside me. I rest my back against his chest, and I can feel his chest heaving against me.

He tilts my head to the side, and starts giving me kisses and occasional hickeys on my neck and jawline. In the moment, I don't even care that people will see. I'm more focused on the task at hand.

He holds onto me gently, before thrusting in and out of me quickly. He moans loudly in my ears, and I can't help but to rub my own penis. It's pure pleasure, and I don't want the moment to end.

I bounce up and down on him, moaning and breathing sharply. I feel a knot growing in my stomach, like a weird ball of heat. I don't even realize what's happening until I see a blob of white stuff emerge from my cock.

"I'm....hngh....getting close..." He warns me.

"Keep going.." I say, moaning louder. I feel something warm inside me, before he pulls out. It's still dripping out of me.

"What is that?!" I yelp.

"Cum, that's what." He replies.

"Can we....can we go again?" I ask him.

"Fuck yeah." He says. Cyno moves to my front side, so that our chests--and dicks--are touching.

"Lie on your back, please." He tells me.

"Okay..." I say, doing as instructed. Since I'm still wet, he doesn't even bother to 'prep' me again, as he called it. Instead, he slides his tip into my hole. Slowly, he inched his way in until his skin was against mine and his penis was fully inside me.

From there, he pulled out a bit and then thrusted back in. With each thrust, I moan loudly, desperately grabbing at the bedsheets for support.

Cyno's relentless, continuing to thrust faster and faster. I moan wildly, unable to quiet myself. He keeps going in this fashion for at least one more minute, while I'm desperately trying to hold onto that high.

However, there came a point where it was becoming unbearable. That, and my ass was kind of numb.

"Cyno...I'm gonna....I'm gonna cum...!" I moan, tears rolling down my cheeks as he continues to thrust in and out of me. Before I can, he cums inside me once more, causing me to cum as well. It spurts up my chest, and I feel the warmth on my bare skin.

Finally, he pulls out of me, panting like a dog.

"I think....I'm done for now..." He says. I nod, barley able to speak.

"Yeah...same." I say. He sighs contently.

"That was fun. Thank you." Cyno says to me.


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