Zhongchi 🍋

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(More smut hahahhaaa BUT I HAVE A REASON THIS TIME! Ok, context: so, I was reading more sex scenes on this website, don't ask why, and it ✨inspired me✨ to write some myself! I'm a bit rusty, sorry about that. Anyways, enjoy<3)

Childe POV:

I guess I never expected for me to turn from walking wallet to a god-fucker, but here we are. It was just a casual and romantic date we had, nothing more. But now, holding his hand, walking back to his place, and flirting like crazy, it's kind of surreal. It's a quiet and peaceful night in Liyue Harbor, and not many people are still walking around. Those who are, however, are giving us the weirdest looks. 

It's not that weird for two men to hold hands. Just normal bro stuff.  

We've been walking for over a mile now, and my legs are giving in to the tiredness, though I say nothing. Soon enough we'll reach his house, which is more like a cave than anything, and the only pain I'll have to deal with is fitting his cock inside- *ahem*. 

"Are you sure you want to do this, babe?" He asks me, squeezing my hand a bit. I nod nervously. 

"Y-yeah, I think so." I say. The normal, ever-powerful Tartaglia that others witness on the battlefield is nowhere to be seen. I've had plenty of experience, mostly female, but it's my first time with Zhongli, at least. I nudge him playfully. 

"And, hey, don't worry about me. I can take it. I promise." I say with a wink. He smiles back at me, and I don't even realize that we've reached his place. 

It's my first time visiting, and I can't help but take in the scenery. We're far away from the city now, and are looking down at it, lights sparkling majestically in the moonlight. It's a perfect ambiance, and just the thought alone is making me kind of excited. He seems not to notice.

Zhongli lets go of my hand and leads me into his bedroom, neatly organized and beautiful, like him. For a dirk-broke guy, it's rather lavish; with fancy fairy lights and all. He takes off his shoes and sits on the bed, waving me over. 

I gulp hard, knowing what I'm about to get myself into. I'm not not happy about it, don't get me wrong. But I guess it's a novelty of sorts to fuck a god. Either way, it's too late to turn back now...

I follow him to the bed, sitting next to him and taking off my own shoes as well. He kisses my neck lightly, scooching closer to me so that our hips are touching. 

"Do you have...y'know, the stuff?" I ask, a bit scared to say the word. He reaches under his bed and pulls out a bottle of lubricant and a box of condoms. 

"Always gotta be prepared." He says with a smirk, and kisses me again, but on the lips this time. I feel my cheeks heat up, not used to this feeling. 

"I don't think we'll need condoms, though." I say, chuckling, "I don't think you're gonna get me pregnant."  He smiles at me and sets the box down but keeps the lube. By this point, images are flowing through my mind, and I'm fully hard now. So many things I want to do to him; and so many I want him to do to me. 

"Can I top tonight?" He asks. Just the question alone makes my cheeks heat up once more, and my pants feel a bit too tight. I silently mouth the word 'yes' and watch as he takes his robe and shirt off. Despite his age, he's very muscular somehow. 

I do the same and take of my own shirt, which messes up my hair a bit, so I try to straighten it, before stopping myself because I realize it's just going to get messed up anyways. We share an awkward glance before he takes off his pants and boxers, proving to be just as happy about this situation as I am. 

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