Furina x male y/n ☁️🔪

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(Shoutout to @JustBaraa12 for the chapter request!)

((Post-Archon and story quest timeline))

The sun is glaring in my eyes, and it's hard to even view what was already a shock: the city of Fontaine. I'm used to the comfort of Liyue, but due to my own circumstances, I'm a sitting bird unless I move. 

I step off of the transport bus and watch as all the people around me also get off. I wince as someone bumps into me, and I grumble something under my breath. I've been especially jumpy lately, but could you blame me? 

Walking around the city, I can't even believe how...robotic this place is. Everything seems like it's a machine, and it's scaring me. I pass by a bakery and order a sweet bread. The waiter gives me an odd look. 

"You don't look like you're from Fontaine." She says to me. 

"I'm not. Is that obvious?" I ask. 

"Quite. Your outfit for one, and your-"

"I get it. Hey, can you recommend a clothing store then?" I ask. 

"I'm a waiter, not a fashion designer." She responds tiredly. 

"But you just said-"

"Can I get a name for the order?" 


"I'll call you up when the food's ready, y/n. By the way, that's not a Fontainian name at all." She says, and turns away from me. I shake my head a little and sit down on a bench. Are all the locals so rude?

I look down at my feet, overwhelmed by everything happening, until I feel a tap on my shoulder. Two twins are in front of me, looking at me excitedly and holding a deck of cards. 

"Sir, could I interest you in a trick? I'm Lyney, and this is my sister, Lynette. We're Fontaine's best magicians!" The one names Lyney says. 

"I...uh...sure..." I mutter, stumbling over my words as I look up to see them both. Lynette holds out the deck of cards to me. 

"Pick one." She says elegantly. I notice her tail swishing behind her back. Before I can grab a card, my curiosity--and my filter--goes off. 

"Is that real?" I ask her. 

"Is...what real?" Lynette asks me, with a confused look on her face. 

"Your tail. Is your tail real?" I say, embarrassed at myself. She seems a bit flustered, but before she can answer, Lyney interrupts. 

"We're magicians. If you're so observant, then maybe you'll be able to figure out how this trick works. But you need to pick a card~" He says. I grab a card from it, which happens to be the ace of clubs. Matter of fact, that's my favorite card. 

Maybe that's a good sign. I sure need some good luck, anyways. 

"Put it back in the deck now." Lyney instructs. I do so, and he shuffles the deck. Then, with his eyes closed, he finds his way to a card, and shows it to me.

"This your card?" He asks. 

"No." I say. I was a bit skeptical, since he claimed to be the best of Fontaine. Maybe Fontainians are bad at magic. 

"Is that so? Check your jeans' pocket." He says. In amazement, I realize that my card, the ace of clubs, was in my pocket. 

"How'd you do that?!" I exclaim. 

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