Kavetham 🍋

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(I did fluff before but now I have returned with smut bc Kavetham is fun to write and if it's smut, I'm only gonna do bxb or bxg, bc lesbian smut is difficult okay 😭)

(modern au)

Alhaitham POV: 

I lean over in my chair, heavily focused on my video game, when I hear Kaveh walk up behind me. Without warning, he straddles my lap in the chair. I tilt my head to try and focus on the screen, attempting to push him off of me, but he says put. 

"Babe, I'm in a game right now-" I say, a bit frustrated. 

"Pleeeaseeeee?" Kaveh begs me. I sigh and turn off my computer to look at him and take off my headphones. 

"What do you want, Kaveh?" I sigh. He looks at me with lustful eyes.

"I want you to fuck me numb." He says bluntly. I can feel my face heat up upon hearing his words. He seems to enjoy seeing me squirm, because he proceeds to kiss my neck and wraps his arms around me. 

"Right now?" I ask him. He nods. 

"Please, Haitham? I want you so bad~" He whimpers. I can feel his bulge pressing against me because of how he's sitting, and it's turning me on a bit. He seems to feed off the energy whenever he gets this way. 

"I... Fine. Let's go, babe." I say, forcing him to stand up. His form-fitting pants aren't doing him any favors, because I can quite literally see through them. I try to keep my eyes at his face, but it's hard not to---pun unintended. 

He holds my hand, and we walk into our bedroom, already set up for a fun time. I see a fresh and unopened bottle of lube sitting on the mattress, as if calling me to use it. 

He lies down on the bed and pulls off his shirt and cape. I place my hand over my mouth to hide my red face. Through squinted eyes, I could see his erect nipples... And the other erection. 

"Damn, you look so breedable.." I mutter without thinking. However, Kaveh hears me anyway. He just chuckles, so I sit on the bed too and pull off my shirt. He scoots closer to me and places his hands on my cheeks. 

I normally shave daily, but I forgot today and have a bit of a stubble growing. 

"Trying something new with your beard?" He asks me. I blush a bit. 

"It's not a beard!" I protest, kissing his neck. He giggles.


"If you keep that up then we're not gonna fuck..." I taunt him. His eyes widen.

"Nope! No beard." He imitates zipping his lips, and smiles nervously. I return the gesture and pull down both of our pants and boxers at once. He looks down at himself, kind of cupping his cock with his hands to hide it, but I pull his hands off.

"C'mon, I wanna see it~" I whisper sensually, rubbing it and feeling him shudder. He chuckles nervously, scooching up to me and placing kisses on my jawline. 

"You ready?" I ask him, and he nods. Still sitting on my lap, I put some of the lube on my fingers and insert them into his ass. He tightens around my finger, squirming around on my hand. 

I pull my fingers out, flip him to his stomach, and push my dick into him. He whimpers, and I use that as a sign to keep going. I go a bit further in, eventually getting my full length inside. 

"Damn... I forgot how much this hurts..." He moans. 

"You're so tight...fuck..."  I say through clenched teeth, pulling out and slamming back into him. He moans loudly this time, calling out my name breathlessly. 


(Goddamn I'm cringing writing this you're welcome for making me suffer)

"H-hng..." he moans. Kaveh is typically quite vocal, sex or otherwise, so this isn't new, but damn is it sexy. He grabs onto his own cock and rubs himself, adding to his own pleasure.

"I'm getting close..." he whimpers.

"Hold it in, I want you to edge for me~" I say in the most sexual way I can, still slamming in and out of him. He sighs but keeps jerking off, with the occasional moan, but mostly whimpering and grunting. 

I, too, am getting close, but I try not to be a hypocrite and hold it in too. With one final moan, he cums onto his hands and the bed, causing me to as well, 

"I told you to edge.." I say, pulling out of him.

"I tried, but thinking about you was too difficult for me to not do it~" He says, breathing heavily. I lift him so that he's sitting on my lap now, and pepper kisses onto his neck.

"Wh-what are you doing?" He asks me. I smile to myself and grab hold of his cock and start rubbing it. I still have more in me, but I think he'll need assistance this time. He seems to like it, because he lets out a breathy moan and puts his own hands on mine as I jerk him off. 

"I'm still hard, you don't have to do this-" Kaveh says, before cumming again onto our hands. 

"How's that?" I ask him. He rests his head backwards on my shoulder, and stares at me like a puppy. 

"What's that look for?" I ask. He boops my nose with his pointer finger.

"More." He whispers, turning around to face me so that our chests are touching. I sigh. This is much more fun than playing video games.

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