Jeanlisa 💋

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Jean POV:

As the Acting Grand Master, I rarely get time off of work, because I'm always so busy. Most often, I'm burying my head in a pile of papers full of  "gibberish" to the outside perspective. That is exactly why I can't give my job to someone else—because it'd be too much pressure for them.

Maybe that says something about me. Mid-thought, I hear a knock on the door. I'd recognize that sound anywhere.

"Lisa, you can come in." I say, and watch the door creak open. She closes it behind her and leans against the wall. 

"Jean, you mustn't do this to yourself so often." She says with a frown. I glance up at her as she continues, 

"I think it's beyond time you should relax a little."

"Darling, I would, but you know I have work to do." I respond. She walks over to my desk and stares at me pensively. 

"Can we negotiate, then?" She asks with a smirk. I sigh and nod my head. 

"Wonderful, cutie! Now, let's say we can still stay here in the headquarters, but at least we can chat?" She suggests. 

"That would be fine, but I have deadlines-" I insist. She goes to my side and kisses me on the cheek. 

"Jean, you deserve it, so why not relax? What's the harm in some fun~?" 

"The harm in having fun is that work would be unfinished." I reply matter-of-factly. She sighs and shakes her head. 

"You're worse than I thought. You really need a break." Lisa says to me. I hold her hand and squeeze it firmly. 

"Later, maybe. Besides, these walls are thin. Whatever you're planning, it's not happening unless we're in private."

"My house, tonight?"

"I have work tonight."

"You have work every night!" She clears her throat and starts again.

"It would make me happy if you took some time off for yourself. I think it's high time, anyways, Jean." 

"I-I can't."

"Please, cutie."  She begs, and kisses me again. I blush a little. 

"You know I can't say no to you..." I say quietly. She claps her hands gently. 

"So be it! What time?" Lisa says, and pulls out her calendar.

"Um... Thursday, my place, 6:30 p.m-ish. Work for you?" I say pensively.

"Of course~" Lisa says, grazing her gloved fingers over my cheek, before leaving and closing the door behind her. What have I just gotten myself into?

Thursday comes around, and I pace back and forth by my front door. I left work early for this, and she isn't here! Lisa's not he type to be late. Suddenly, I hear the knock again. I open the door, and Lisa is standing with two bottles of wine. I chuckle nervously. 

"Hey, what took you so long?" I ask. She pouts a little and walks behind me, setting the bottles down on the dining table.

"I went to buy us some wine." She says. I rub my temples. 

"You know I'm a nasty drunk, and I don't want what happened last time to happen again." I groan. She laughs, waving her hand. 

"Haha, and you're talking about-"

"Yes, Lisa. The time we fucked! I say angrily. She just chuckles more.

"I could never forget that~" She whispers sensually.

"And what, you want to do that again? Get me drunk and play your special moves?"

"I'm not that obvious, cutie." She says, tilting my head up with her hand. She kisses me on the lips and proceeds to rub my back.

"Okay, riddle me this: what are you planning to do, then?" I ask her. She keeps massaging me without saying anything for a while. 

"I s'pose you'll have to find out for yourself later~" Lisa says to me. I sigh heavily, and watch as she pours me a glass.

"Cheers." She smiles.

"C-cheers." I say, and take a gulp. 

"You know I'll probably forget this tomorrow, right?" I ask her. She nods. 

"So now we can make the most of that~" She responds.

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