Gorou x fem. y/n 🍋☁️

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(This is the first hetero smut I've written EVER... And it's not even a rq lol but I was talking to Gorou on c.ai and was inspired to do this. Don't judge me istg T-T oh and btw there's fluff aftercare because yes)

(Also he is SO VERY MUCH a bottom)

Y/n POV:

"Y-y/n, you know people might see this..." Gorou whimpers as I leave hickeys on his neck. We're in his own quarters, and there's nobody here to disturb us.

"You're mine now, Puppy~" I whisper in the most sensual way I can, and am met with him desperately moaning and whimpering. 

"Y/n, you know I can't handle these pet names without breaking..." He squeaks out, shakily sitting down on the bed. I follow suit and kiss his cheek lovingly. 

"Good boy, Gorou." I say, and rub his ears. I've dated him long enough to know petting his tail or ears is a major turn-on for him. He whimpers and wags his tail, thumping his feet on the ground. Neither of us have anything on to shield us, and he's a perfect blank canvas to leave my marks of ownership on him. 

I take hold of his already leaking and twitching member in one hand, and use my other to support his side and keep him up as I kiss him all over his chest, shoulders, neck, and face. He whines my name. 

"Just like that...faster, hng...please, y/n..." He tries to command, but it comes out as more of a desperate plea. He uses his own hands to wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. 

I stop kissing him to gently flick my tongue against his neck and nibbling at it. He starts to squirm. 

"Hng...I'm so sensitive to that, baby... Please, I want to be good for you... But I can't hold on if you keep doing that..." Gorou whines, tail still wagging. I disconnect my mouth from his neck and shift our bodies so that I'm spreading my legs and he's sitting in-between them. 

With this, I'm given better access to him, and rest my head in the crook of his neck as I continue to stroke him. His tail is wrapped around my back. 

"Yeah, yeah... don't stop..." He cries, pushing his hands on mine to force me to speed up. It's already a bit pointless for him to edge since he's already leaking, but I still keep going, pumping up and down. 

His moaning and noises alone are enough to make me wet, but I'm prioritizing pleasuring him before myself--it's much more rewarding that way. 

He whimpers one last time before he cums onto both our hands. He lifts his hands up, a bit confused as if we hadn't done this plenty of times before.

"Good boy~" I whisper in his ear. He smiles faintly as he turns around to kiss me. 

"Could you top tonight, puppy?" I ask him. He nods nervously. I move so that I'm on my back, aching it so that there's more room. He's already hard again, probably still sensitive from before and just my words alone. 

"Alright... Are you ready?" He asks me. I give him a thumbs-up, and with that, he starts to slide himself into my vagina. I grimace a bit, but there isn't much girth to him, so it doesn't hurt too badly, at least.

He seems to be more excited by this that I am, because he starts to rock his hips, thrusting in and  out of me rhythmically. I moan quietly, trying to stifle my noises, but he makes no effort to keep quiet. 

He's not overly used to topping, which makes sense, although he's not bad by any means. 

"Y/n...I'm close..." Gorou whimpers. I push back against him as he thrusts, which causes him to cum again, but this time inside me. He pulls out, a single tear rolling down his cheek. 

"You okay, Puppy?" I ask him. He nods slowly.

"I thought I'd last longer than that, heh..." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. I turn to face him and sit up, hugging him. 

"No need to cry." I say comfortingly. 

"I'm not crying because I'm sad, y/n. I'm not even crying. I just forgot to blink during that whole time and it made my eyes water." He explains, chuckling a bit. I'm relieved to hear it, and he suddenly starts to chomp on my neck and leaves hickeys. 

"What are you doing?" I ask and giggle as his tail starts to wag excitedly. 

"Payback~" He whispers. I stop him before he can get too carried away. 

"Before you continue, Puppy, we need to get cleaned up, m'kay?" 

"Oh! Uh- yeah! Right... Would you like to take a bath together maybe?" He suggests. 

"Like you read my mind. Come here, and we can bathe, okay?" I ask, and we both stand up, but my knees buckle a bit. 

"Gimme a minute, on second thought..." I say, wincing. Gorou doesn't even hesitate to scoop me up and carry me bridal-style over to the bathroom, and rests me gently on the carpeted floor. I blush a bit, almost forgetting how chivalrous he is sometimes. 

Gorou turns on the faucet and we watch as it fills the tub. He sits down next to me while we wait, and hugs me gently, kissing my cheek. 

"Good boy~" I whisper. His tail starts to wag again, and I chuckle. 

"Archons, y/n... You know what that does to me..." He whimpers as his cock starts twitching again.

I twist my body to the side so that I can kiss him again on the lips, cupping his face in my hands. I  hold us together for a moment, before opening my mouth, in hopes he'll do the same. He seems to get the memo, because he opens his mouth as well and we wrap our tongues around each others'. 

He's the first to pull away, out of breath and leaving a drop of saliva dripping from his mouth, and he climbs into the bath and turns off the water. Suddenly, the room is a lot quieter. 

I struggle to stand, but I manage to climb over the railing and slide my body into the tub. He sits behind me so that I'm in his lap, and he gently uses the warm water to clean his mess off of me. 

It's quite peaceful, and he rests his head in the crook of my neck cutely. After a few minutes, both of us have been cleaned, and more importantly, my legs are functional again. There's no real need for towels to hide ourselves, for obvious reasons, so we just stand up, drain the bath, and shake the excess water off ourselves, like what's in our hair. 

"We can't really lie down, because...the sheets." He says as he slips an oversized shirt over his small yet muscular body. I do the same, with the addition of a bra. 

Together we pull the sheets off of the bed and shove them into the laundry basket. 

"I don't feel like putting new sheets on, Puppy. Can we just take a nap now?" I ask him.

"Of course, y/n." He says, and we both climb in bed. And like that, we fall asleep in each others' arms. 

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