Chongxiu ☁️

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I'm talking a break from the horny to offer some good ol' fluff <3! (Also they're minors lol💀)

Xingqiu POV:

It's been a bit since I last pulled a prank on my boyfriend, Chongyun, and I think it's high time I fix that. If there's one thing I know about him, it's his lack of spice tolerance. Thankfully, I'm good friends with the renowned Xiangling, the renowned Liyue chef and owner of Wanmin restaurant. Though she's young, she runs her own restaurant. Not to mention, she wields a Vision. In a way, she's similar to me; her dedication to her craft granted her recognition from Celestia. 

However, admittedly, she's much more of a prodigy than I. Simply put, I am a disciple of the Guhya Clan, and I was born into my title. Xiangling paved her own way in life, which I find to be extremely inspiring. But enough gushing over her; I need to think of something good. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm a nice person, but it's always fun to play dirty every now and then. Especially with Chongyun, since he's one whom tends not to exit his comfort zone often. That being said, I deeply respect him, and am entirely smitten when I'm around him. When he first confessed, he passed out when I informed his that the feeling was mutual. 

It was a bit humorous to have seen him waking up, remember what happened, and turn red as a tomato. Thankfully, however, he no longer passes out when we kiss. It's taken a lot of work, though. 

Spicy food is his ultimate weakness, besides my teasing, at least. So, with that in mind, I think I will go visit Xiangling and have her prepare a dish for him. Perks of having a chef as a friend: you'll never be short of food. 

(Small time skip, Xingqiu's at the restaurant now)

I walk over to the counter and take in the smells of Xiangling's handiwork. She's sizzling some meat on the pan when she turns to greet me.

"Qiu! What're you up to?" She asks with a giggle. She knows I hate that nickname. 

"Xingqiu. Anyways, I was hoping you could prepare a dish for Chongyun on my behalf?" I suggest. She shuts her eyes and mutters something to herself, thinking. 

"Sure! What do you have in mind?" 

"Something with chilis. Something spicy, hehe." I reply, snickering at the thought of Chongyun's face when he tries it. 

"Ooh, you're torturing him again, eh? Aha, I can't say no to some friendly fire! This one's on the house, but only if you tell me his reaction sometime soon." She says, rubbing her hands together eagerly. 

"What's the wait time for such a dish?" I inquire. Xiangling scratches her neck; something she does when she's trying to remember something. After a while of silence, she replies. 

"For you, and for the sake of pranks, I'll prioritize your request. How about ten minutes, and I can whip up a little 'surprise' for him? I have some leftover broth from a soup I made just a bit ago, and with some spices added and a reheating, it should be ready. Sound good?" 

"That's perfect. Thank you for your...contributions." I say, smiling. She laughs, waves, and goes back into the kitchen. True to her word, she emerged around ten minutes later, holding a steaming container and an evil grin on her face. 

"Here's a lid for the soup, and have fun, Qiu~" Xiangling says, handing me a plastic cap. 

"I appreciate it. I'll see you around, alright?" I say, and she nods. Happily, I walk with the concoction over to where Chongyun spends almost all of his free time. Once I finally see him, he stands up and briskly walks over to me, hugging me tightly. 

We share a gentle kiss, before separating. I hold out the container to him. Chongyun tilts his head to the side. 

"What's this?" He asks, taking it into his own hands. I try to stifle a laugh as he opens the lid.

"A soup I had prepared especially for you. Please, dig in! I don't want my efforts going to waste-" I say. He cautiously takes a sip of the broth, holding up the container to his lips. 

The second I watch him swallow, his face heats up and he drops the soup, splattering all on his clothes. He looks at me with a disgusted face. 

"Xingqiu!" He yells, wiping his mouth with his sleeve. I giggle. 

"I take it you didn't like it?" I ask innocently. He rolls his eyes.

"No, I didn't. I swear to the Archons, one day I'll get the best payback ever and you'll regret all of this." He says, even though he's smiling. 

"Suuuuure," I say, "but for now, you should change. I can't imagine walking around with soggy clothes is comfortable." He glares at me. 

"This is still your fault, y'know." Chongyun says, elbowing me playfully. I smile and nod. 

"Haha, you have to admit, you're a bit too gullible for your own good." I tell him. 

"Yeah, yeah."  

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