Kavetham ☁️💋

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(They are dating in this story)

Kaveh POV:

I'd been dying for Haitham to finally get home from his business trip. He was scheduled to document a transaction between the Akedemia and the Eremites, since he was a "trustworthy source of unbiased relations" according to his other scholars. It's smart people jargon to me. 

I think it's stupid. I just want him home. But work is work to him, and I'm not sure he even prioritizes me anyways. No matter; he's coming home today! I promised myself I wouldn't be pissy, and that I'd do something special to welcome him home, but I can't cook to save my life. Also, I'm not really in the mood...

Still though, I gotta think of something! He's letting me crash at his place for the foreseeable future, so I'm basically forever indebted to him. I don't think he'd hold it against me, though.

MaybeI think. I mean, this is Alhaitham I'm talking about though. The least I can do is look good for him. I scan my room for something good to wear, before settling on a dress shirt and form-fitting black leggings. Shows off my a-

"Kaveh." Alhaitham says along with the click of the door. I jump at the sound. 

"Haitham! Erm...Alhaitham...you're back." I say, trying to keep my composure. He keeps a straight face. 

"Indeed I am. Miss me?" 

"I dunno what you're talking about." I say, crossing my arms and looking away. He walks up closer to me and grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. 

"Don't bullshit me." He says. I squirm in his grasp, trying to free myself. 

"I-I'm not!" I pout, desperately grabbing at his hand, but it won't budge. He's strong

"Kaveh, you're a horrible liar." Alhaitham says, looking at me with a death glare. 

"Archons... You're not the center of attention all the time! I can survive! And I didn't miss...you..." I say, trailing off at the end. His eyes soften a bit. 

"I missed you too." He says and lets go of my chin. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I shout, but he just turns around and places his stuff down. 

"Fuck yourself." He replies with a chuckle. I can feel my face get red. 

"There will be no fucking of me, and that's final!" I say angrily. 

"If you say so~" He says with a smirk and walks to his bedroom. 

"You little-" I begin to say, but take a deep breath and stop talking. I could've handled that better... Much better. It's too late now, though. 

(Time skip of about 20-30 mins)

Alhaitham hasn't returned from his bedroom, so I'm getting a bit worried. He's probably just unpacking, but the door's closed. I tiptoe my way over to his room and knock on it. No answer. I guess he's sleeping. 

I knock again and wait a few seconds with no reply once more. Since I gave him warning, it's only fair I can go in now. I creak the door open ever-so-slightly to get a peek on what's going on. 

He's sleeping. I breathe a sigh of relief, glad he's okay. I'm not sure what I was expecting, anyways. I walk over to his bed like he's sleeping beauty or something, and shake his shoulder a bit to wake him.

Alhaitham mumbles something and swats my hand away.

"Kaveh, I don't want you in my room." He says, his face hidden. 

"Why not? It's not like you have anything to hide, do you~" I tease. He untangles himself from the blankets, gives me a death stare, and kicks me out of his room.

"Archons, touchy much?!" I shout at him, but he slams the door. I hear a 'click' sound, meaning he locked the door. I guess he's just agitated after a long trip. I'll leave him be, for now at least. But I feel like I did something wrong. 

He's not usually so...snippy. 

I feel bad for lying though. I was just embarrassed. My eyes open wide, and I'm standing in my bedroom. I hear Alhaitham's voice behind me. 

"Kaveh, I'm back. Did you miss me?" He asks. I tilt my head. I look at him, and he's holding his suitcase. 

"I thought you were already home...?" I ask, confused out of my mind. 

"I only got home just now." He says. I look in front of me, watching my own reflection in my mirror. He walks up behind me. 

"Were you daydreaming again? You have that weird look in your eyes..." He asks. 

"Yeah, I think so." I reply. I can't believe I actually forgot the difference between my daydreams and reality. But at least Alhaitham's home, and he isn't mad. And this time, I can be honest. 

"I missed you, too." I say, and he rests his head on my shoulder from behind. I shiver a bit, feeling his breath on my skin. 

"W-what are you doing?" I ask him. He wraps his arms around my waist. 

"What do you think?" He asks. I can feel my face getting hot. He squeezes me closer to him and kisses my cheek. 

"It's been lonely without you. I was thinking about you the whole time..." He admits. 

"I hope I didn't distract you from your work." I say, feeling more flustered with each word he speaks. 

"Don't worry about that~" He says. 

"A-are you..." I try to speak, but the words can't come out. He knows very well how to fluster me. 

"Kaveh, don't play dumb." 

"L-later, okay?"

"But later is forever from now." He whines. 

"You little-" 

"I deserve some payment for letting you crash here, right? Well..."

"Sure, sure. But don't be so loud this time."

"I can't promise anything."


"I love you too, babe." 

"You're horny."

"I know."

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