Yanfei x male y/n ☁️

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Shoutout to @Sessylu75 for this chapter rq!

(Modern AU)

(Also take note that I have not gotten married [or have attended a wedding recently] so pardon me if it's not 🤓☝ scientifically accurate 🤓☝ and PLEASE DON'T COMMENT MEAN THINGS TO ME IF IT'S INACCURATE!!!)

It had been far too long since I had visited my fiancé in Liyue... Besides, we're still in the process of finalizing the date of our wedding, and it's of utmost importance to both of us. I had been sent on a trip to visit Inazuma, and the whole time I've been here, all I can think about is her.

Eagerly I take my luggage from the backseat of my uber and take off to our house. I must look like a madman.

Messily fumbling with my keys, I scramble to open the front door. I see Yanfei sitting on the couch, reading peacefully. When she hears the door, she turns around to see me. A wide smile overcame her face, and she rushed up to hug me.


"Miss me?" I ask playfully. Draping her arms around me and resting her head in the crook of my neck, she whispers:


I let go of my bags and return the hug, happy to be home. I kiss her cheek and pull away, smiling at her. Before I can speak again, she interrupts me.

"About the wedding..." Yanfei begins. I sigh, though I'm still smiling.

"Yes, I know. Wait-- You're a lawyer! Can't you do this yourself?" I ask.

"You really know nothing about this.." She mutters.

"Not claiming I do." I say and shrug. Yanfei begins talking again,

"I'm a lawyer, not a priest. And this year's Lantern Rite is coming up."

"So? Wouldn't it be so romantic to get married on Lantern Rite? The start of a new year and a new marriage..."

"That can't work though."

"Why not?"

"Well, plenty of people have plans on such a major Liyue holiday. To force them to give up family time for a wedding would be cruel." Yanfei explains.

"The day after or the day before maybe?" I ask.

"No, because people would by flying out to travel anyways, both ways." She states. I frown a bit and slump onto the couch.

"If you're so persistent, then what do you propose?"

"Well, it's august. There's still roughly four-ish months for this to get done."

"What about a venue? And inviting guests?" I ask. She scrunches her face and sits down next to me on the couch.

"We can still do that, y/n." She says and places her soft little hands on mine.

"Yeah... I trust you."

"Haha, I'd hope so!" She chuckles. Yanfei pulls out her phone and scrolls around for a while, before showing me a few pictures and reviews.

"I've been looking around, and I really like Guyuun Stone Forest."

"To get married at?"

"Yeah, see?" She asks and shows me some pictures.

"What about a honeymoon? We need that, right?" I ask.

"Mmhm. With that, I dunno if we should stay in Liyue or travel somewhere else. Fontaine's really pretty, but it's quite crowded. I've heard the food is delicious there, too."

"Inazuma's pretty."

"Y/n... You went there yourself! You know what it's like."

"How so?" I ask.

"There's a constant thunderstorm on Inazuma." Yanfei says.

"On Narukami, Yashiori, Tsrumi, Seirai, and Kannazuka there is. Watatsumi isn't rainy. And I was at Watatsumi."

(I had to double-check the spelling for the island names, and I can confirm I spelled all of the Inazuma locations correctly)

"Still." Yanfei frowns.

"Okay, so it doesn't have to be Inazuma. What about Sumeru?" I ask.

"Actually, that doesn't seem too bad. I can't believe I actually forgot about Sumeru!" She says, shaking her head.

"No sweat. That's why I'm here, right?"

"Yeah. I love you, y/n." She whispers.

"Love you too." I reply, and smile at her.

(Haha time skip to the actual wedding day bc I'm lazy lol 😭)

I fasten my bowtie and walk out onto the aisle. In the crowd I can see our families and friends. Notably, even Kuki Shinobu made the trip for Inazuma to attend! I smile nervously and watch as Yanfei, wearing a gorgeous wedding gown, approaches with her bridesmaids and mother accompanying her.

I can't help but to admire her, looking beautiful in the afternoon sunlight. I hold onto her hands and smile at her as the preacher begins. After a lengthy speech, I finally recite my own vows. I clear my throat and begin.

"From the day I met you, I knew you were the one.

Perfect in every way, like a million in one.

I'm so incredibly lucky to know you, Yanfei, my love.

And Archons know 'till the day I die,

You will always be my dove." I say, watching her face with every word I say. I can see her tear up, and let go of my hands to wipe them away.

"If anyone has objections, say them now, or forever hold your peace." The priest says. To both Yanfei and I's relief, nobody said anything or raised their hand.

"You may now kiss the bride." He said.

And so, we did. I heard everyone clapping as our lips met, all celebrating the union of us two. A perfect wedding for a perfect girl. We walk around together chatting with the guests, and finally getting to the part I knew she was most excited for--the cake.

After the whole wedding was done, the food had been eaten, and the pictures had been shot, we were able to return home, for the first time as a married couple.

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