#10 Ek saath Ek naya mission (III)

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Tanvi begins training for the Sunday bout. This in addition to the gruelling training Abhay subjects her to. It's only her and Samrat in the gym late at night, at the end of their shifts. He watches her train. Two hundred pushups again.

She gives up at 190.

"Ugh!" She grunts lying on the mat, breathlessly. "Yeh kya ho gaya hai mujhe? Did I get weak? Was I slacking off?"

"Sometimes our body doesn't cooperate yaar!"

Samrat tells her, continuing his pushups. He's been working out alongside her to keep her company. Working out in a team is easier than solo, no?

 Working out in a team is easier than solo, no?

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Tanvi stares at him in disbelief. The other day too he did 100 extra to compensate for her incompetence. This morning he worked out alongside Abhay. And now... This much stamina? Is Rajiv right in his gender bias? I hate to be the weaker sex! No women aren't weaker sex!

With her thoughts racing, Tanvi gets ready to push herself again but Samrat stops her by grabbing her arm.

"Sam! I will have to do this somehow. Haath chodo!"

"Nahi, Tanz! Do you want to exhaust yourself before the bout? You are already amazing as you are. It's okay 190 pushups bhi thik hi hai!"

"Sam, let me try na!"

With a sigh, Samrat relents, sitting with his knees crossed on the mat. Tanvi collapses after fifty counts. I wanted to do a hundred. Ah, this is embarrassing, she thinks. It's good the officers aren't here, it's me and Sam.

Samrat chuckles loudly, interrupting her thoughts. She glares at him but it doesn't stop him from commenting that she's stuck in the corpse pose!

"Han. It's worse than Shavasan! I can't... move. My limbs are dead. Sam, carry me please... I want to go back to my room and sleep to be alive again!"

 I want to go back to my room and sleep to be alive again!"

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Samrat chuckles again. Scooting closer to her he pokes her cheek. "Baith jao! Pehle electrolyte drink piyo. I got them for us. Aur mujhe lagta hai, you need to eat a bit more than what you're eating. Thoda aur protein."

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