Chapter 1

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??? POV's

He has it all, doesn't he? All the time. Since we were protostars. Even now he has a planet of life and not just any life, intelligent life! Proxima B has conditions for life but not life itself. I will always be second place, won't I? Oh and not only that but because his planets are named after gods, they hold the weapons of the gods they are named after. Even he has one, a bow and a lyre, though he doesn't need one because he's a stupid bipolar raging star!

It's now time for revenge, isn't it?

Before I left for good, I told him I would come back for revenge. For him and his precious planets. The guilt must weigh heavily down on him, always taking my spotlight.

I shouldn't cut myself short though. I do have a special planet. A planet that nobody knows how to defeat.

"Come over here for a moment, Iris... "


"I need to ask you for a favour. I know I have told you many times to stop using your shell to capture moons and your third eye to infect other celestial beings but now, it is going to come in handy. In the Solar System, where the star who calls himself the Sun.. "

"Wait, so I have to-"

"You must go and attack his planets.. "

"But isn't he your-"

"Don't worry about it, just say my name and he'll turn a blind eye to whatever you do."

Iris looked quite excited. I would usually frown upon whenever he did such things but he was my strongest. My favourite. However, before he left, I was to tell him a few things. Iris was powerful but he was quite stupid. He needed to be told everything before he was sent to do something.

"Let me give you a few things about the planets that I heard from somebody... Most of the planets have a weapon. I'll tell you the name of it in order from closest to furthest from the Sun. Mercury has a magic wand and Venus has an enchanted girdle called the Cestus which enables him to arouse love and passion in others however, he surely won't use it. Earth, the planet of life, fortunately doesn't have a weapon but Mars, guard of the asteroid belt, has a very powerful spear, considering he's named after the God of War. Jupiter, the biggest planet in the Solar System, holds a lightning bolt and Saturn, with huge rings, holds a sickle. Uranus doesn't have a weapon however he is unfortunately quite immune to any damage you do to him but don't worry, he can't hold off every attack of yours; Neptune has a trident and he guards the Solar System as a whole- he will most likely be the first planet you encounter."

"I'm not stupid, I'm sure I would've figured this all out..."

I rolled my eyes and signalled him to go. He will be all right, I told myself, he has an advantage. Nobody knows how to defeat him.

Iris' POV

Travelling between galaxies is a sight to see. Its colours swirl around and there are surprises all around the corner which is why I have to be very careful. Anything could just come out of-


A celestial body that was the colour of midnight blue and had rays of orange sunshine appeared in front of me with a cheery smile.

"Who are you?" I asked in a threatening voice, ready to open my shell to capture her if she tries to attack.

"I am called 18 Delphini b but you can just call me Delphini! I am what's called an exoplanet and I thought you might need some help travelling to wherever you need to go in the Milky Way!"

She seems like a nice planet and too kind to pose some kind of serious threat and even if she tries to hurt me, I can destroy her in seconds..

"Yes, yes I do.." I admitted, "I need some help to find a Solar System. The star of that solar system is called the Sun."

"Ooo! The Solar System with the planet of intelligent life?"

"Umm, yes?"

"Where all the planets have weapons as they are named after Greek Gods?"

"Yes.. can you just-"


"Wait.. what?"

"You didn't know?" she asked, making me feel like an idiot.

"Does it matter?" I replied in embarrassment, "Can't you take me there already?"

"Oh yes of course! You are quite close to it, you shouldn't take so long so just follow me!" She then started to blabber about facts she knew about different Solar Systems, as we headed towards my destination. She told me some more facts about Sun's Solar System too, such as the Sun is unable to see inside the Asteroid and Kuiper Belt. This is definitely something I can use to my advantage. She is a really smart exoplanet, she knows a lot, maybe even too much than one should know. She could be very useful.

"We are here!" Delphini announced as she pointed to what I assumed was the Kuiper Belt, "You can head straight into there and you should soon spot a beautiful blue ice giant who calls himself Neptune. Just state your business to him and I'm sure he'll show you around. He's very kind!"

"You sure do know awfully a lot.."

"Yes, I quite do! It's my self-proclaimed job!"

"You could be very useful!"

"For what, if I might ask?"

"You'll see! Just come with me!" I replied, gesturing her to follow me.

"I'm afraid this is where I stop. I am not allowed to travel any further."

"Too bad.." I said, using my strong gravitational force to pull her up, "You don't have a choice.."

I spun open my orange shell as I shot her inside. Her piercing screams were like melodies to my ears. Oh, how I could dance along to it! It was so lovely!

"Now tell me more about this Neptune guy.." I commanded her, as I entered the Kuiper Belt.


Hello! This is the first chapter to this book and I kind of want to get a few things straight so people don't get confused.

1) You might have noticed but they do have their Greek/Roman God's weapon/ability

2) Venus and Earth are brothers as Venus is nicknamed 'The Sister Planet'

3) Neptune takes his job as a guard seriously, he's still kind though, and he does know how to fight! He is silly still because who doesn't love silly Neptune.

If you do also like countryhumans or hetalia, check out my first account (@pirateelvrinda)!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvy🌙

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