Chapter 4

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Uranus' POV

Hello. Now this is not a diary, it is a journal, I am not some teenage high school girl! Anywho, I guess I'll tell you what happened over the last couple of Earth days.. why do we have to use that term, why can't I say it's been two Uranus days, huh? Stop it, Uranus.. get straight to the point.

The Sun had, a couple days ago, called us to him and he said we had to play a game called 'Who's the Dwarf Planet?'. I won't lie, I quite liked the idea but shit went down really quick when Venus and Earth started fighting, siblings.. Me and Neptune are cousins yet we don't act such way. That's not the point though, in the middle of the two's petty argument, Neptune had to suddenly leave as someone was coming closer to the Kuiper Belt and ever since then, I haven't seen him. Honestly, my head is spinning in circles and I feel that something is terribly wrong. Especially, when I swear that I heard my name being shouted in the Kuiper Belt. It sounded full of worry and realisation. It was definitely Neptune's shout, that's for sure, but when I got there, there was no sign of Neptune. Anywhere. I couldn't


see Neptune nor anyone else.


Annoyed, I put down my pen and was going to give the person who was screaming my name a trip to hell. Then, I turned around to see a horrifying sight.


I rushed to him to see his injury. The right side of his head was cut off, blood seeping out at an alarming rate, and it's surprising how he's still alive. Any celestial body would be dead by that, right? Maybe, then there's still a chance to save him. I rushed towards the Asteroid Belt, where all the medical kits are kept and was going to get back to Pluto before Saturn came in my way. Don't get me wrong, I love him, he's very sweet and all but right now, I didn't have the time to chat. I quickly excused myself and rushed past him, just to see he was following me. I knew that Saturn couldn't handle such a gory sight so I turned around and asked,

"What do you want?"

Okay Uranus, you didn't have to say it like that. Now, you seem like a jerk.

"I just wanted to talk with you.." Saturn replied, his face slightly dropping.

Now, I felt really bad and I sighed and told him that I had to get somewhere, urgently, he could follow me if he wanted too but he has to be prepared for a not so pleasant sight. I could tell Saturn got quite puzzled at the last part but either way, he followed me to see


Saturn practically started to bawl at the sight of the injured dwarf planet and while I would usually try to calm him down, my main priority was to try and fix Neptune's wound. Me, Mars and Jupiter were professionals at all this medical stuff because it was compulsory for the planets near the Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt to learn such skill but since Neptune went a bit, you know, I had to step up and learn this instead.

After a bit of struggle and stress, I managed to wrap a tight and secure bandage around Pluto to keep his right side of his head on. Maybe in a thousand earthling years, it would heal and attach back on. Maybe...

"What happened to you?" Saturn asked Pluto, wiping his tears.


"LIAR!" I yelled at him. Who does this bitch think he is? Neptune would never do such a thing! Neptune's sweet and kind. Funny, he always puts a smile on my face and never gets involved in violence. In fact, he's quite clueless to it. I swear, I will literally rip apart the bandage I put on him and let him die in agony.

"I am not lying.." he replied, as he moved back, "It was Neptune, however, it didn't seem like it was actually Neptune.. it was like he was being controlled.."

I looked at him with concern. I think he definitely lost his mind when he got this injury. There's no such thing as controlling a celestial body. I was about to laugh at him when Saturn suddenly asked,

"What makes you say so?"

"Well, when I was strolling through the Kuiper Belt, heading back to the rest of the dwarf planets and my moon, Neptune came up to me. Usually, me and Neptune have quite a good conversation when we meet but when he saw me he told me to run and when I asked why, it was probably too late. His eyes turned a dull orange and he used his gravity to pick me up and he used an asteroid to cut the right side of my face off. I didn't want to know what he would be forced to do next so when he threw me, I ran out of the Kuiper Belt."

"My god, that's-"

"Uranus!" I heard the voice of Neptune and I could see him coming towards us. I was about to head up to him when Saturn stopped me and told me that it's better I stay here, if he's still being controlled he could help defend me (though I could handle myself).

"Hello Uranus!" He came up and gave me a tight squeeze but when I saw his face and his left leg, I couldn't help but scream. His face was completely bruised on his right side and it shaded a type of purple on his eye - there was no way he could see out of it; his leg was snapped and cut open, he had to hop all the way here.

"Neptune, my god, what happened to you?"

Suddenly, instead of holding up that silly smile of his, his face went dark, serious, which is something that I have never seen on Neptune's face before. He then said,

"Uranus, get away from me.. he has me mutated.."

"Mutated? What does that even mean? And who's he?"


"Who?" I questioned, even more confused but I then realised that it was a mistake to question what Neptune has told me to do because before I knew it, he snapped my arm.


It's 4am while I am writing this.. and I am tired lol. I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for everyone for reading this book and my headcannons book so far, it means the world to me!

When you cry at Saturn's face dropping but not when Pluto is severely injured: THAT WAS ME!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvy🌙

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