Chapter 3

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Triton's POV

I have no idea who this planet is but I don't trust him. Not at all. He gives me a bad feeling and the way he's looking at the rest of the moon's doesn't help me at all. All of Neptune's moons are weak and clueless, they act like little kids and I am worried that this so called planet might do something to them.

"Neptune.." I whispered, "This planet does not seem nice, maybe we should-"

"Silly Triton!" Neptune interrupted, laughing, "He just wants to look around, he doesn't want any harm!"


"Take care of your little brothers though, alright? I don't want them to wander off!"

I sighed with defeat and nodded as I went back to the other moons who immediately yelled out, "Big brother Triton!"

It was really those moons who made me finally accept being a moon and as much as I don't admit it, I love being their older brother and taking care of them, they mean everything to me..


I turned around to see Proteus being sucked in by some large shell that this mysterious planet had around him. His crust was being shattered as red tears swirled down his cheeks.


Slam! His head went straight launching into an asteroid which pierced into his head. The rest of the moons screamed as Neptune turned to see the bloody scene made but before he could say anything, the rest of the moons were destroyed by him. Every single one of them. All of them shattered. Sprinkles of their remains could be seen scattered around the Kuiper Belt and their arms and legs were ripped apart too. Their heads lie ripped open, you could even see their brains sticking out of it. In just a couple of moments, they were all gone and now I was being sucked in too...

"Triton!" Neptune yelled, as he tried grabbing onto my arm but it was too late, I could feel my skin shattering apart. At least,  I am now with Proteus. Thalassa. Despina. All of my younger siblings. I looked up at Neptune once more to see his teary eyes and with the last strength I had, I tossed my sunglasses to him.

"Stay strong, Neptune.. you were the best planet a moon could ask for.."

Neptune's POV

I carefully looked at Triton's sunglasses as I felt a huge lump on my throat. My moons... they're gone. My baby moons. Triton wasn't right about what he said, I was the worst planet a moon could ask for. I always lost them and I couldn't even save them. It was my fault, they all died, if I hadn't had so easily trusted Iris, they would still be alive. They would be running around in my orbit and we would all be happy but no, no..

I noticed that he was starting to edge closer to me. I am not going to die this easily. Oh, no, he killed my moons. My baby moons. I won't let him get away with it that easily. Oh, no...

I jumped back and took out my golden triton, holding a defence position.

"Let's see if the great Poseidon is any match for me.." he muttered.

Slowly, my glass was tipping. I was shaking as he took a step closer and closer, I didn't know what to do, why couldn't I do anything?

"Look at you.. maybe this is the reason why you weren't able to save your moons.."


Tears poured down my cheeks as I yelled at him. My triton unleashed a whole body of water and trapped him in a bubble, splattering him across the Kuiper Belt and crashing into a pile of asteroids.

"Oh you want to fight?" he chuckled, "The show hasn't even begun.."

He disappeared and grabbed me by my neck from behind me and threw me so far that I reached the edge of the Kuiper Belt. The part away from the Sun. Now, it was so dark, I couldn't see one thing. The Sun's light never reached here and I felt all alone again. Suddenly, I saw a blue smiling face.


He disappeared. My friend disappeared. No, now I was all alone. I bawled in my arms and someone hugged me from behind.

It was a very tall orange man. He must be a planet, I thought, he doesn't look like anyone I know! Oh, he might be a new planet! That is really cool, now I might have somebody to talk to! As I hugged him back and looked up at him, he opened an eye on his forehead. It looked scary, it was a complete pitch black with a red point staring right into me. Suddenly, black goo started coming out of it and I wanted to run away but he kept a tight grip on my arm. I tried to scream but it was like my head was submerged under the water. Help. Help. Help me.


I don't know how long it's been since I woke up and though I felt that my eyes were open, I felt that I couldn't see the Solar System the same way it was before. Everything was so blurry, I couldn't really see much, especially out of my right, or is it left, eye. My leg wasn't holding my weight either.. I tried standing up but I fell down immediately. What happened to me? Him. I remember everything once more. I looked frantically around to see if he is still here but there was no sign of him. Phew, he must have moved forward. Wait... no.. if he does then..


I wish I had never trusted you...


Hello everyone! God, you all must be quite angry and upset at me for doing this but what can I say, it is the Iris.. anywho, to ask for your forgiveness, I will put an adorable picture of human Mars underneath❤️

 anywho, to ask for your forgiveness, I will put an adorable picture of human Mars underneath❤️

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This is my wallpaper on this Ipad:) I hope you forgive me🥺🥺

Signing off,
Pirate Elvy✨❤️

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