Chapter 6

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Uranus' POV

I opened my eyes. I know I opened my eyes yet why did I see only black and why do I feel a strange type of liquid dripping from my eyes. I can't get injured, right? No, Uranus, you can't get injured that easily. Well then, what happened to me?

"Uranus.. are you alright?" a voice that I presume was my moon, Titania asked, "After Neptune, you know.."

The memories of what had happened came back in a flash to me. I remembered how a wicked planet, I think, attacked Saturn, taking him away into god knows what and Neptune... that traitor. He attacked me, said it was to keep me safe but I doubt that completely.

"Yes Titania, I am fine.. I think. How are the rest of you?"

A silence only returned to my question which got me even more worried and nervous.

"Titania?" I asked once more, hoping to receive an answer.

"Well, there's only um, me left..."

A piece of me felt like ripping in two. My moons.. they were gone. Crushed into pieces of space debris because of him. All because of him. We were close once, weren't we? We were like two peas in a pod. At least that's what Saturn called us though I'm not very sure what we are anymore... I just wish that I could travel back to the past where we were all happy.


An excited Neptune ran towards me and jumped onto my back, knocking us both down.

"Oww! Neptune, don't do that!"

"Sorry cousin! Seems like I got too excited!"

I sighed and replied that it was alright. Then, I asked him what he was doing here, usually no one hangs out much with me. Except Neptune.

"Can I not talk to my friend?" he asked, goofily.

"Of course you can!" I quickly replied, not wanting to offend him, "So what do you want to do?"

He said nothing but continuously smiled at me and then, he replied with one word,


For the next hours (my hours to be exact), we were painting utterly random things. I was working on painting one of my biggest pieces yet, the Solar System as a whole and Neptune, well I didn't exactly know what he was painting. Whenever I tried to look, he'd turn the painting away from me and keep saying that it was a surprise for me. After what seemed like galactic centuries, he finally showed me the painting and it brought tears to my eyes. It was a painting of Neptune and I together, smiling and having fun.

"This is us!" he told me, "This will always be us!"

I wasn't quite sure if it was us now...

"Uranus!" the voice of whom I really did not wish to meet shouted out to me. Titania, in fear of what he had done to her siblings, swiftly hid behind me, using my hair to cover her up. His hands touched mine but I quickly slapped it away. I was in no mood for forgiveness.

"Uranus, you have to understand, if I didn't then you would-"

"I DON'T CARE, NEPTUNE!" I snapped, "You said that you were trying to keep me safe. Keeping me safe doesn't give you the right to blind me. This makes me even more vulnerable!"

"I thought you could heal and withstand-"


I didn't have any further mood to argue so I turned around and ran. I don't know where I was going or where I was, I just kept running. I couldn't take it anymore. I thought about stopping soon but it seemed that fate already wished for me to stop sooner because a figure came in my way and held my hand back to stop moving any further. The only person that I think, right now, who this is, is-

"Uranus,are you- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

Yes it seemed I was right. It was Jupiter. I was probably looking right up at him though I couldn't see his face clearly.

"You know what, before you explain, let me get you bandaged up.."

He tied a cloth around my eyes and somehow, it helped me to see better. I felt a lot better too after he gave me these strange space pebbles. I was about to ask what those were when he interrupted me and asked.

"So, what happened?"


Short chapter, I know. Also, I honestly feel like a moon killer so you better watch out! Also, thanks for your comments and everything! I will start school on Monday so I will be slower at writing once more:(

Signing off,
Pirate Elvy🌙

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