Chapter 7

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"Phobos! Deimos! Where are you going?"

The two moons turned to face their planet who looked at them with a raised eyebrow. They glanced at each other and back at Mars, both not knowing what to say next.

"Well? Spill already.."

Both looked unwilling to speak but when Mars gave them that look that your parent usually gives you when they catch you doing something troublesome, the information from their lips poured down like a waterfall.

"Phobos threw one of his toy alien rocks in the asteroid belt! We wanted to get it back!" Deimos explained to Mars as Phobos gaped at him.

"Nuh uh! Not true!" Phobos exclaimed, "Deimos threw my toy into the asteroid belt!"








"You can go.."

Both turned to Mars in shock. Never once has Mars agreed for them to go into the asteroid belt, no matter what.

"But you will take Luna, I worry that you won't get back if you both are alone.."

"Thanks mum!" they both replied in chorus.

"How many times have I told you not to call me that?" Mars questioned with an exasperated sigh.

"But Earth said that a person that takes care of you is called a mum!" Phobos explained.

"Yeah!" Deimos agreed.

"A WOMAN IS A MUM! I AM NOT A MUM!" Mars screamed in annoyance as most of the rocky planets turned to see what was up with him.

"You know what, just go..."


They both scuttled to Luna and begged him to come with them to the asteroid belt to get Phobos' toy.

"Alright, alright, fine! Let me ask Earth though.." he agreed, "Hey Earth!"

Earth was having a conversation with Venus and Mercury, the two were helping Venus to plan out his confession to Mars. So far, it was going with Earth's disturbing ideas, Venus' angry outbursts to them and Mercury trying to calm both of them down (it wasn't working).

Earth turned his attention away from his friends and agreed but then went on to ask Phobos and Deimos, "What was Mars screaming about over there. He looked quite pissed."

"Mars will be mad if he heard you say that in front of them.." Mercury warned.

"Well, it's not like he's here!"

"Oh really?"

Mars stood behind Earth, cross armed giving a death stare. Then, changing to a sweet smile, he said hello to Venus and Mercury and told the moons to be on their way. After saying farewells and telling Phobos and Deimos to be back soon, the moons left and Mars chased after Earth around the whole Solar System. When he got tired, he asked to piggy back Venus and chase after him, after all Venus was pretty fast, faster than Earth at least.

"Well, we do know now I will not be going back to a planet.." Luna remarked as they took one last look behind an angry Mars, a fierce Venus, a terrified Earth and a worried Mercury, "Now where is this toy of yours?"

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