Chapter 8

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"Okay.. I am done. Where are those stupid moons?"

"Venus, I am sure they will come.." Earth tried reassuring his brother, his climates and temperatures messing up on his whole surface. Earth was sat down and Mercury was trying his best to help Earth even by orbiting around him to help balance his axis but it didn't have the same impact as Luna.

"I will not calm down! It has been edging to nearly a week for you Earth! You're a mess and I am pretty sure so are your earthlings!" Venus yelled, "I'm going in, I don't know where the hell they have been-"


That voice. It sounded exactly like...

"Luna!" Earth called to his moon who rushed up to him and gave him a huge hug.

"Where's the other two?" Mercury asked, looking around.

"We're right here!" a voice squeaked.

"Yeah! We aren't that small!"

Venus gave a look that literally said 'are you sure about that?' but if he wanted to be able to get with Mars, he also needed to have a good, no that was extra, an okay relationship with his moons.

"So what took you so long you damn pipsqueaks?" Venus asked harshly, demanding an explanation.

"Well you see-" Luna started but was interrupted by the two little moons that cried out and said,

"We were heading towards Ceres' layer!" Phobos said.

"Because that's where we thought Phobos' toy was! Deimos added.

"And when we got there, Ceres was-"

"Ripped apart! Dead! It was very scary!"

"Luna found my toy when we ran out!" Phobos smiled, holding out his toy asteroid alien.

The three of them looked at the fourth rocky planet's moons in horror of what they had said and turned to Luna who immediately figured out that they wanted an explanation of what happened to Ceres.

Luna sighed and took a deep breath, this was about to get long.

"Basically, Phobos said that his toy was near Ceres' layer and so, we went there and when we went past some asteroids, we saw um that.. I sensed there was probably some type of danger and so I ran away with the other two (we even found the alien asteroid toy on the way too) and came back to you guys after getting lost and all of that."

Luna caught his breath and realised it probably wasn't as long as he had thought. Oh well, it was fun to dramatise what he was feeling.

"I-" Mercury started.

"I miss mum! Where is he?" Deimos interrupted, looking around near the asteroid belt.

"Mum?" Earth questioned, chuckling, "Is that what Mars-"

"Cut this shit, Earth.." Venus demanded, "This is getting quite serious."

"Ooo! Are you looking out for your little crush~~"

"You motherfuck-"

"Earth," Mercury said, in a serious tone, "Venus is right. None of us have seen Mars in about a day after the moons left.."

"What if-" Earth suggested but was interrupted by Venus.

"No! No, that's not happened. He probably got lost in the Asteroid Belt or something.." Venus was panicked and he denied that anything happened. He couldn't believe it, he wouldn't believe it.

"I MISS MUM!" Phobos started bawling loudly and soon after, so did Deimos. Luna was trying his best to calm down the unhappy moons while the three planets discussed what to do.

"We should go look for him!" Mercury said.

"No shit, Sherlock! The question now is who-" Earth started but was interrupted by Venus who immediately wanted to go. No, he didn't just want to go, he was going.

"Of course you are," Earth sighed, "I think that I should also come along-"

"Are you trying to destroy your earthlings or something?" Luna asked, jumping into the conversation, "Mercury can go.."

Venus looked irritated that the so called pipsqueak had to come along with him but he didn't protest. He didn't want his brother to lose his life, he knew how that felt, and his main focus was finding Mars.

"Okay then, let's go.." Venus grumbled as he dragged Mercury into the asteroid belt.

"I think Venus is perfect for mum!" Deimos commented.

"Shut up, Deimos!" Phobos replied back as Luna laughed at the interactions between the two small moons too. Earth would have also laughed but he was seeing another illusion something similar to what he saw before the last meeting with the Sun. He recognised the two glowy figures in front of him, they were the exact same celestial bodies as last time except this time they weren't interacting with each other, but instead talking to him.

"Proto.." the woman said to him, sounding a bit nervous, "How are you, today?"

"Who's that?" he questioned. Earth didn't know why he said that, it was like he was in the body of someone else yet, why did it feel like it he was still him.

"A friend of mine.. he umm,"

"Cut the act, Theia. I heard everything.."

He sounded angry, he seemed to have been betrayed. The tall planet looked the other way, probably not wanting to get in this drama.

"Earth! Earth!"

The images faded away. No, no, he needed to find out more! He needed to hear about this Theia and him. What was happening? He couldn't just go back. He couldn't, he just-

"NO!!" he yelled, causing Luna and the moons of Mars to stare at him in confusion.

"Are you all right?" Luna asked, concerned about the abnormal behaviours of his planet.

"I'm fine.." he replied, "I just was daydreaming.."


"MARS!" Mercury yelled, causing all the asteroids in the asteroid belt to shake, "MARSSSS!!"

"Ugh, will you stop shouting so loudly!" complained Venus, "You're giving me a head ache!"


The two looked around for a while and found that it was quite hopeless and difficult to find Mars in the asteroid belt, they didn't expect it to be this big.

"What are we going to do?" Venus sighed, sadly.

"Well, I know a planet who most likely knows the Asteroid Belt inside out!" Mercury told Venus, happily.




Are you guys happy? I didn't kill the rocky moons! Anywho, it's very nice seeing all your comments and it warms my heart so keep commenting! The next chapter, if I manage my study timetable, will be uploaded soon!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvrinda🌙

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