Chapter 12

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Everyone had gone back to their orbits, except Uranus, who slept next to Jupiter, not worrying about anything attacking him. Though Uranus never admitted it to him, Jupiter was like a big brother to him it's just... the past. It made a scar that will remain forever.

Jupiter self appointed himself as a look out; he was to try and spot this so called creature and make sure he does no harm to any more of the planets.

Emptiness echoed all around and Jupiter somehow felt this type of weakness. He, for billions of years, was known as the ruler of the Solar System; planets, moons and dwarf planets respected him, he was great.

What happened to him?

He couldn't protect Saturn. He couldn't stop Neptune from betraying them. He couldn't even manage to stop Mars from getting hurt. He couldn't save Vulcan. He couldn't control his gravity from killing Phaeton. He couldn't stop Theia and Proto Earth colliding. He couldn't persuade Saturn to not kick out X.


He couldn't even have become a star.

A failure. That's what he was.

Suddenly, he heard a strange shift in the Asteroid Belt causing him to jerk up. He carefully moved Uranus to the side, Titania resting in her planet's hair as Jupiter got closer to the belt.

And closer...

And closer...

And closer...



Phobos and Deimos were fast asleep on Mars' (whose eyes had fortunately healed quite quickly) lap who rested his head on Venus' chest, gazing up at all the wanders around them. Stars and all types of celestial beings shone from a distance and it distracted Mars from all the pain and guilt he was feeling. His own stupidity as well... he was the first rocky planet to be formed, orbited next to Jupiter for billions of years; how could he have been so dumb by going in the asteroid belt by himself? Most importantly, why did he even allow his moons to look around in the first place? What did he think, that he moved from the incident because now, he could clearly see that he didn't.

Venus couldn't stop himself from staring at Mars' gorgeous eyes wandering in the dimensions away. Venus had thought, after he had lost his life, that he wouldn't ever let a single planet get close to him again. He would never love someone like this. How had he fallen?


Mars seemed to be one of the only planets to remember he had life and yet, though he had nothing beautiful anymore; Mars would still compliment him. "Venus, why don't you like your surface! It's so pretty and cool!". Mars could be stubborn, yes, and he did admit that he thought he was smarter than all of the rocky planets, which was a fact, but he, no matter what, will defend you. It was something Venus had spotted when Mars, even after finally being done with the Earth, still chose to defend him. Another thing was is it took multiple times for him to get mad at the Earth; the glass of water was continuously brimming up, Titan was just the hand to knock it over. Venus, however, would not do this to Mars and loved him with his whole heart. How would he say it though? He was terrible at expressing his feeling; he was embarrassed for days after he briefly mentioned how he hated everything about himself. Well, either way.. this was not a good time, Mars was still-

"Hey Venus..."

Mars gazed up at him, his ruby eyes meeting Venus' amber eyes which outshone all the beauty beyond.

"Yes Mars?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being here with me.."

"It's no issue, really.."


"Yes Mars?"

He turned his face elsewhere, his voice starting to break.

"I'm sorry.." he managed to gasp out.

Venus was perplexed at this behaviour of Mars and questioned why he was sorry.

"It's all my fault.. if I hadn't let my moons go-"

Venus took Mars' chin by the hands and gently turned his head so that it would face him, the connection of their eyes starting once more.

"It's not your fault.. you didn't know such a horrendous celestial being was out there. The important thing is that they're okay and you're going to be okay.."

A small stream of tears trickled from Mars' eyes. His moons watched from a slight distance at the two lovers.

"I don't like this guy already!" Phobos told Deimos, "Mars didn't even notice we woke up!"

"They're in love!" Deimos happily replied, "Let's get everyone else to see this!"

The two, even Phobos who was dragged along, went to get everyone's attention while Mars then spoke again.


"Yes Mars?"

"Why do you care so much about me?"

"I.. I-" This was the moment Venus had been waiting for, the moment that urged him to say something, it was a sign and he needed to grab onto it.

"Because I love you. I have loved you since we fought together, actually the moment when you defended me against my brother. Your loyal and kindness is the trait that made me love you and now this rhythm is playing in my heart on repeat. It won't stop. Your beauty, your rosy hair to match your beautiful ruby eyes outshines everyone else's in the whole Solar System, even the whole universe. I love you, Mars, I really do.."

Venus kept his stare into Mars' eyes hoping to match the puzzle pieces together to see what emotion he was feeling but what he got shocked him. Mars smiled and hugged Venus tight.

"I love you too, Venus.." he said, "From the beginning, with life and even without life and I can't even explain why. The butterflies always flutter around my stomach when I see you; I always wonder to myself how could someone so perfect not like the way they are. Venus, you were my first love and will be my last love. I love you as well."

Their eyes closed as their faces drew closer together and their lips touched. It was a sweet and gentle kiss but one that they would never forget. It was full of love and marked a new chapter for both of them. Their new beginning.

"YESSS! PARTY TIME!" yelled Earth from the side, causing the two to quickly let go and stare at all the planets and moons who were looking at them, smiling. Mercury. Earth. Luna. Phobos. Deimos. Jupiter. Uranus.

"It's not what you think!" Mars said, flustered.

"YOU IDIOT EARTH!" Venus yelled, chasing him with an asteroid.



"THAT BASTARD FUCKED MY BROTHER!" Phaeton yelled, causing the other two to burst out laughing.

"It was just a kiss!" Vulcan told him, "Why, do you want them to fuck~?"



Yes, I had to add the bit at the end! Just wanted some fun! Also, thanks for 3k, this book is going to be the main concentration for me so don't be surprised when this one starts updating really often!

Hope you guys are happy about the vars confession (it was exactly 1000 before Earth yelled party time, so perfect!). I had to get it out of the way so the real drama now begins!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvrinda 🌙

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