Chapter 9

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After Uranus told Jupiter the whole story, Jupiter felt an overwhelming sickness in his stomach. It was so cruel and disgusting what this celestial body had did. And how... Neptune betrayed them.

"Does Saturn know about this?" Jupiter asked.

Uranus' face widened in shock. He had completely forgotten to mention how that beast of a planet took away Saturn and nobody had seen him ever since. His nervousness was probably clearly showing as Jupiter then questioned.

"What happened to Saturn?"

Uranus turned his head away, not wanting to face Jupiter. The truth, it would be way too painful for him to even say.

"Uranus.." Jupiter's voice got more menacing and demanding, "Where the fuck is my love?"

Uranus didn't respond, still turned away.


The asteroids in the asteroid belt shook aggressively, and the moons around grasped onto any stable object they could find; Titania's grip tightened on Uranus' shoulder, hiding beneath his hair.

"I, I- he- he-" Uranus swallowed, trying to push back the lump in his throat, "He took him.."

Silence echoed inside Jupiter's ears, it felt like the whole universe was collapsing between his eyes. How could have this happened? Why did this happen? It just felt minutes ago when...

"Oh Jupiter!" the excitement of Saturn's voice made him smile as he turned to face him. He looked like he was holding something behind his back and as Jupiter kept trying to see it, he turned away, giggling at each try Jupiter took until he finally revealed what he was holding. Saturn held a beautiful bouquet of asteroid flowers, painted with all the different types of colours.

"I made this for you! Uranus helped me a bit and um, I hope you like it!" Saturn said, getting flustered at the end and hiding his eyes behind his rings. Jupiter happily accepted the flowers and took Saturn in hushed arms, slowly lifting up the ring.

"Oh my love," Jupiter said, sweetly, "You didn't have to do such a beautiful gift after all, my best present is you.."

Saturn smiled at him and pecked his lips. No love would ever get stronger than this.

Now, it was only a memory that played in his head. Uranus fiddled uncomfortably with the cloth that covered his eye. He was never the best comforter and was not really good with his words or showing empathy. It was now an awkward situation, a heartbroken Jupiter and a guilty Uranus who knew that if he were stronger, he could've helped save Saturn.

Well, until two rocky planets arrived.

"JUPITER!" yelled Mercury, causing the biggest planet to snap out of his flow of memories.

"Aah! Hello Mercury and Venus!" he greeted, trying to hide his sorrow, "Do you need anything?"

"Yes dad," Venus replied, "We need- AHHH!"

Venus looked at the ringed ice giant in shock and confusion. What was he wearing on his eyes and why did he look so.. sad.

"What happened?" Venus asked, indicating Uranus.

"Long story, just stay in your orbits all right.." Jupiter replied.

"Is it something bad?" Mercury asked, fearfully.

"I-" Jupiter had no choice but to explain. It was quite obvious that none of the two were going to leave unless he gave them an explanation.

"Well.. you see. There has been this mysterious celestial being orbiting around our Solar System. He seems to be quite harmful. Neptune joined his side, Uranus is hurt and.. we don't know where Saturn is." Jupiter choked on the last part, he felt like he was going to burst out in tears.

Mercury and Venus stared at them in shock and then all of it suddenly hit Venus.

"MARS!" he yelled.

The two giants seemed confused but Mercury had realised what he meant.

"Mars has been missing for about a week now.." Mercury told the two planets, "And Luna, along with Phobos and Deimos, reported that they had seen a umm.. not alive Ceres."


Uranus did not really know Mars that well but he was frightened for him. He knew what this beast could do and if he could do such harm on them, gas and icy giants, imagine what they could do to the small rocky planets.

"We have got to find him!" Venus shouted, "But we don't know where in the universe he could be. Also, pipsqueak and I are not quite familiar with the Asteroid Belt so we were hoping you could help us.."

Jupiter nodded at them, "Yes, of course I will!" Jupiter remembered how much Saturn loved Mars and how he would always talk about his son with pride and joy. If he was here, he would be heartbroken, this was the least he could do, this would make Saturn happy.

It was quite obvious that if he entered the Asteroid Belt, it would all shake up and might fly out everywhere so Jupiter looked from the top.

"Mars.. Mars.. red planet.. he's-"

Jupiter unexpectedly spotted the 4th planet lying on the ground with a terrible injury. He couldn't make it out from here but he knew it was something serious. Something had happened.

What is it? Do you see him?" Venus asked, frantically.

"Yes.." Jupiter replied, leaning over to grab Ares.

He held Ares, who was shaking, symbolising he could be saved. He had the same black eyes as what Uranus had gotten, with a stained cut on his head. However, out of all of that, his leg was the worst sight to see.

"Oh my.." Uranus gasped as Mercury started tearing up. Venus however, couldn't even react. This is why it is stupid to feel, Venus told himself, it never ends well. All that affection and care you have developed for Mars, how you fell in love with him, it's all gone. All to waste. Love is a waste.

"Mercury, don't cry.." Jupiter comforted, "He's still alive but he's injured. You lot better go back to your orbits, we'll bandage Mars and when Mars wakes up and feels better, we'll send him over to you, don't worry.."

Venus looked at Mars one more time. He couldn't stand to look at the only planet he had ever loved like this, it was like his soul was collapsing.

He turned around and left, he wouldn't let anyone see his sorrows.

New chapter update! Also, thanks for 1k reads! We have just a few hundred reads in the headcannons book for us to reach 5k and for the first parts of the Solarhumans story to be released so keep your eyes out! Knowing you guys, it will be soon!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvy🌺

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