Chapter 15

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A beautiful planet, counted as the diamond of the Solar System, slowly walked across the Kuiper Belt. The harsh atmosphere was like hundreds of needles, stabbing his arms and legs, causing him to shiver relentlessly. The shambles of chains were a heaving burden to his feet, as it clawed each asteroid as the planet struggled to move along. "One step at a time.." was what he continuously muttered, heading into the direction of the Sun's light, a sign of freedom, an open gate.

His eyes were fighting with the urge to completely shut the glow of the Star's rays out; he was so close, he couldn't stop, he couldn't give in. He would then be back to square one. He put his beautiful golden locks into a ponytail and moved his rings even higher, hoping it would increase his concentration level. He was so close. He could meet his son once more. Oh, his dear son, how much he missed him! He hoped he had been all right, Mars' orbit was a little risky. He was always the first rocky planet prone to danger and one of the first to be targeted if that monster tries to attack them. Also, his dear love, he wondered how he was doing. Saturn knew that Jupiter must be stressed and tired, he could feel it. He did hope the Sun was helping though, Helios would always know how to calm Jupiter down; they had a beautiful father-son relationship. A pang of pity shot his heart as he remembered Uranus and how deeply he was wounded by Neptune's betrayal. Cronus tightened his fists, hearing Poseidon's name lit the fuse for him to explode.

The last of the asteroid belts were scattered aside as he finally felt the freedom around. However, his thoughts seemed to swarm around, leading him to drown in a hole with no end. How did it suddenly become this easy to escape? He was first trapped, solo, in his orbit, his rings in a painfully vertical position as two rays of blue light shot through it, like he was a gateway or something like that. Then, Iris forced him along to the Kuiper Belt, forcing him to be ripped out of the picture with those who he loved but... he didn't even try much to stop Saturn from escaping. It just seemed... too simple, easy. It was like Iris wanted him to escape, it was like Saturn's work was done.

Or was it just the beginning?

He drew his thoughts away from it as the figure of the great gas giant became bigger and bigger. Jupiter's hair was a mess, there were many knots all around and he kept himself in a ball, a position that Jupiter would never do. It showed fear, how small and weak you are; Jupiter never wished for himself to look like that. He wanted to portray the image that he was strong, powerful and wanted to assure everyone that he could keep them safe.

Saturn could tell that Jupiter wasn't sure that he was able to fulfil his duty.

Saturn was starting to float towards him faster and faster, as he felt his mind starting to tumble around and his vision going blurry. He needed to get there, he couldn't afford to go back. Not after everything. He tried to call to him but his voice just shattered into tiny pieces of glass; his weariness and weakness was starting to gain the upper hand of this battle.

He soon felt that he wouldn't be able to make it, he was too feeble to go any faster. Saturn decided that he needed a way to grasp some planet's attention, somehow. Unfortunately, he had no moons anymore, so none of them could rush up and tell Jupiter. He looked around. Nothing, but the plain empty gown of space. He sighed in exhaustion and feared that Iris would come back, or was just a few steps behind him. This meant that he needed to act fast. Suddenly, he realised he did have something that he could throw to Jupiter. Something that would definitely catch his attention. Something that would symbolise that it was him. He looked at his hand to see the gleaming diamonds embroidered into the golden loop (which rested on his third finger), representing the couple to spend eternity together.

His wedding ring.

He carefully removed it and with a flick of his gravity, to make sure it goes straight to Jupiter, the ring zoomed off, landing right into Jupiter's hand.

Jupiter, before then, was fighting his own mind.

"Join me!" the voices called, "Join me and your dear love will be free! Join me and your lovely brother will stop aching! Join me and the Solar System will go back to normal! You cannot refuse, after all, it is your duty, isn't it? To protect all the planets around you. Are you really willing to fail it? Do you really want to fail at fulfilling another thing?"

The ring broke the voices in just seconds and immediately he recognised whose it was.


He turned around, in a haste, imagining to see his one and only smiling at him, waving.

No, that's not what he saw...

Saturn's head drooped down to his knees, which were bent upwards, his feet chained up and body full of scars; his once beautiful rings were now cracked.

He felt his eyes get heavy, tears starting to brim up.

"Why? Why did this happen to you?"


We have officially completed our last target and as the oneshot book got the most votes, that will now start soon! Thank you so much for all your support and kindness, I couldn't have done this without you!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvrinda🌺

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