Chapter 5

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Saturn's POV:

Uranus jumped back immediately after Neptune broke his arm but is seemed that his arm already healed. Right, that's his weapon, he can heal himself and doesn't get damaged as easily as us. Seems like I was paying attention to some of the things Jupiter says!

"No one is controlling you Neptune, am I right?"

I stepped slightly backwards as I heard Uranus say that, why would he think such a thing...

"Uranus, don't say that! Neptune would never-"

"But he did!"

I looked at Neptune as he stared right back at me, before when he came, I was sure that he had an orange eye where his purple bruise was but now, he had his same crystal blue eyes.

"I wanted to keep you safe.." Neptune said to Uranus as he came closer and closer to him. I took out my sickle, my hands shaking, I don't want to hurt Neptune, it's for precautions. I will use it if he tries to harm Uranus, I won't stutter... I hope.

"Keep me safe?" Uranus asked in an incredulous tone, "Do you think that trying to break my arm is keeping me safe?"

"It was just a distraction and so was Pluto.." he said back.

"What do you mean?"

His gaze turned to me and he said,

"I am sorry, Saturn.."

What does he mean by that? Is he going to attack me next, if so, I have my sickle prepared, he won't be able to do anything and we-

Pluto disappeared.

He was an illusion, just to distract us from the-

"Main villain..."

"SATURN WATCH OUT!!" Uranus yelled as I saw each one of my moons being destroyed in just a click of a finger. Titan. Titan too. My dear, Titan. He was gone too, in just a snap of a finger, whoever did that I was going to-

"Kill?" the celestial body behind me said, "You won't be able to do such things.."

"Did you just-"

"Read your mind, yes, yes I did.."

Uranus' mouth fell open as he heard the conversation while Neptune stood there emotionless.

Tears streamed down my face as my fist tightened on my sickle; I turned around about to strike this being into two but... there was no one.


I recognised that scream and when I turned around Neptune was hurling asteroids to Uranus. Uranus can only handle too many asteroids before he gets injured, seriously injured. What was Neptune doing this? Why was he doing this? To keep Uranus safe? That's what he said, didn't he?


Uranus' lovely white angel wings were bent and broken, the feathers scattered around him. Blood poured down on his back and tears streamed down down icy blue face. Then, Neptune pulled him into a tight hug, "It's for the best, dear cousin.."

A sudden rage filled up inside me, how could Neptune do this, how could he-

"Because he doesn't want his dear cousin hurt.." the same strange voice said as he grabbed my arm.

"Let go of-"

I was plunged downwards into nowhere. Just asteroids, the darkness and me. This was so scary, I wanted my moons back and Jupiter! Jupiter was always so kind and caring to me, he never got mad at me whenever I cried, he was always there for me! The rocky planets were always so energetic and lovely, so many beautiful memories with them too and ice giants, what happened to us?

The memories flashed between my mind all the times I have been with each of them. From the Ancient Times until now. Tiny little Mars was walking up to him, hurt again with scars. He got into a fight with one of the dwarf planets in the asteroid belt once more.

"Oh Mars.." I told him, "What happened?"

"Some stupid dwarf planet said some mean things about you, called you a crybaby.."

"Mars, dear, that doesn't mean you fight someone because of it.." I said, starting to bandage up his wounds.

"Yes but-"

"Mars, please, promise me that you will try to control your temper.." I gently said, caressing his hair.

He scowled a bit but agreed and gave me a tight hug, which I accepted with gratitude. My sweet Mars, how much I love him like a son of my own.

"Oh Saturn!" It was Jupiter who came and gave me a tight hug.

"What's the matter, love? Why are you upset?"

I started to break down in his arms as he disappeared as well and then the Rocky Planets came up to me,

"Saturn! Can you throw this asteroid to see who can get it first?" Earth asked.

"It probably will be me!" Mercury exclaimed, pointing the wings on his shoes, trying to indicate that he was the fastest planet.

"Oh shut up you little pipsqueak! A mouse like you could never defeat me!" Venus shouted back.

"Saturn, maybe before the two start arguing," Mars said to me, "You should throw the asteroid.."

"Y-yes, I shall.." I replied, trying to hold back all my tears. I hurled the asteroid as far as I could and it landed into the Sun.

"Whoops.." I said as they all burst out laughing.

Then, they disappeared too.

The Ice Giants came up to me, Neptune having his silly little smile and Uranus, holding his diary close to his chest. Without saying a word, they disappeared as well and I saw Uranus breaking down and crying in Neptune's arms, who were all bloody and red. Then, they also vanished.

I screamed for help but no sound came out.. "Jupiter!" I tried to yell, "Mars! Uranus!"

But I couldn't.

A black rope covered my mouth and no matter how hard I tugged it, it wouldn't budge. My rings suddenly flipped upwards and I felt a taste of iron linger in my mouth. It made me feel sick so I tried coughing it out.


The blood stained the rope that blinded my mouth shut and I felt sick, faint even. It was such a disgusting thing, Saturn, oh god! However, I seemed to have gotten distracted by all this blood because the next thing I knew, the same strange celestial body grabbed my arm once more.

"Oh Saturn, you will be a very important role to help me deliver my parasites.."


Another day, another chapter.. also, thanks so much for all the reads and lovely comments, they mean the world to me:)

Signing off,
Pirate Elvrinda🌺

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