Chapter 13

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The fresh aroma of pizza trekked its way into Astroson's room, making him immediately stop fidgeting with the model of the moon and run downstairs. He saw his mother handing the 10 dollar bill to the pizza man as the pizza box, settled on the kitchen counter, blew the steaming smoke out. He rushed over to open it, take a slice and taste the cheese sizzling on his tongue as he smacked up the tomato sauce ornamented with different types of herbs.

"Not so fast," his mother told him, making her hand the barrier between him and the heavenly food in front of him. "Go wash your hands first!" Astroson begrudgingly went up to the sink as his mother shut the door and then started preparing the plates for the two of them. To Astroson, it felt weird always watching his mother take our two plates; it has been a year but he still isn't able to shake the abnormality out.

Suddenly, the ground shook and lights flickered for about a moment and everything went back to normal.

"Probably just some minor earthquake," his mum said to him as she started plucking out pomegranate seeds, four in each dish.

Finally, after what seemed forever, he took a bite of the pizza. He heard a scream. His mother opened the door to see what had happened. The pizza van was crashed upside down. His mother ran up to it, telling him to wait here. He did. Until seconds started edging to minutes and then nearly becoming an hour. His mother had still not returned from the blanket of darkness; the only thing he could see was the shattered lights of the van and stomps of something getting closer...

This didn't feel right...

Astroson shut the door and rushed over to the window, hoping to get a glimpse of what the strange noise was. He could hear the footsteps get closer... and closer... and closer...

Then silence fell.

You couldn't even hear the owls hooting their night call or cars arguing so they could get home. No. There was nothing. Until.


The window crackled open, the glass cutting bits of his skin and making him fall backwards on the wooden hard floor. Then, something flung through the broken window.

His mother's head.

It was all a complete mess; parts of her brain stuck out of her head like fungus and one of her eye held onto the socket with just a little this wire as blood teared out of it. The veins and arteries, under her neck, twisted together, causing a pool of blood on the floor.

Astroson was paralysed in fear as he watched a black claw reach for the edge of the broken window and climb over. It was as tall as a pillar and had red burning eyes which clearly said that it would not end well if anyone saw him. It flashed its sharp teeth and buried its feet on the ground. Stretching its arm out, it picked up Astroson and forced him to stare into its devilish eyes. Astroson felt a violent vibration swarm throughout his body and then just like that, his bones started crippling like they were made of glass and he felt the whole works close.

If only he could've met his dad one last time.


Astrodude watched in horror as the Earth was captured by some black gooey strings that acted like they were vines gripping onto a wall.

His family.

He wanted to scream, cry, punch something or even someone, unfortunately for him he was alone, but he felt like a statue. Unable to feel, think or move. Just the mindless game of shock played on repeat. How, what, why, yet no answer seemed to feel the blank. Truly, he was all alone, there was no denying it. The Earth looked completely destroyed and the green wonders you could gaze at were crumbled into a swarm of black goo. All alone, how could he live like this.

Computer was even broken, whatever it was must have destroyed all connections on Earth, he didn't even have a robot to keep him company or even tell him what to do.

He couldn't even say goodbye to his son or his wife.

What was the point in living, he thought to himself. He had to goals in his life: to visit space and have a beautiful family. He visited space, he was even in it, and his family was gone. What was the point? There wasn't.

He opened the shuttlecock and jumped out, letting space use its hand to drag his across its endless area. He had nothing except his spacesuit, he seemed to float timelessly. He closed his eyes as he could feel his lungs close in, his cheeks fell blue and when he finally closed his eyes, he swore he could finally hear the sound of his son and wife's laughter.

Finally, together once more...


I don't know actually what to say as this chapter made me really sad:( but I had to do it, my fingers just kept typing!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvyyy❤️

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