Chapter 17

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The flower bloomed her eyes open, only to be plucked up by the arms of one who truly loves him. The arms of the flower were gently wrapped in heaps of white bandages to heal wounds which the predator has caused. She felt herself being carried away, closer to the light of which the Star blazed, restoring a sense of hope back in himself.

"Who's there?" a panicked voice called from ahead.

"It's just us, Uranus.." his love's voice said to the celestial body.


"Yes.. Saturn and I."

The voice of the planet's name seemed like a memory, a distant dream from afar. So much has happened that Saturn seemed to have slipped from his mind. The thought of his return just brought the butterflies to squirm around in Uranus' stomach and suddenly his once icy atmosphere felt quite hot.

"Oh my, what happened to you!"

Uranus felt the delicate hands of Saturn cup his cheeks and his panicked questions to Jupiter, asking him how this happened. Jupiter sighed and Uranus could feel his eyes gazing upon him as he heard Jupiter's sigh.

"We have a meeting with the rocky planets. The situation and all sorts.. let us go."

Jupiter's voice was full of exhaustion and almost like he was getting weak. Uranus wanted to blow away the thought but when Jupiter took his hand and led him to the edge of the Asteroid Belt, Jupiter's hand didn't have that same firm grip. They were much more... cracked? As Uranus was about to open up about his concern, he was interrupted by a shout of a voice that sent shivers down his spine. A voice that he would once look at with glee but now with fear. A voice that he once was family but now nothing more. A voice that made him blind. A voice that betrayed him.

Poseidon, God of the Sea.

He clutched Jupiter's hand tighter, knowing how vulnerable he was right now, and felt Saturn's arms brush past his back. She, also, was still feeble and knowing that made Uranus want to cry and scream. He truly did love him, she just didn't love him back..

"Uranus, cousin, please! I was trying to save you!"

The same old excuse Neptune kept repeating over and over again made Uranus' blood boil and make him shake with rage. He, in this moment, was glad he was blind, so that he would never have to face that horrid planet again. The guts he had to call him cousin just made Uranus want to spit in his face. He would never ever forgive him and even if he did, it sure wouldn't be any time soon...

"What do you mean by that?" Jupiter questioned, making Uranus enraged. Seriously? Who cares!

"I.. I.." Neptune choked on his own sobs, "He said that he would leave Uranus alone if I hurt him, made him blind. If I didn't, he would do it himself. I.. I would rather.. rather I hurt..hurt.. you than him.. him."

Jupiter felt a pang of sympathy shoot in his heart and it was quite obvious that Saturn also felt pity for Neptune but Uranus... he was done buying these excuses. He, because of him, is weak, useless, dropped down from the status of a god. He's blind. Lost all of his moons except Titania. His wings are destroyed. Saturn was hurt and so were many other rocky planets. All because Neptune did this. Does he really think it is a good enough excuse? Does he really think he will be forgiven? If so, then he is wrong.

"Fuck off, Poseidon. I'm done with your shitty excuses."

Neptune looked at him with tremendous guilt as Jupiter and Saturn looked at him, flabbergasted. Never once have they seen Uranus talk this way to Neptune. He would speak gently and kindly, understanding and caring for him but now things have changed. Things were different.

"Uranus.." Jupiter said, softly, hoping he could try to amend the broken relationship between the two ice giants, "He had a reason-"

"A shitty one."



He turned his back on the other three giants as he walked across the asteroid belt to meet the other Rocky planets. Neptune itched on the red eyes that infected his skin as Saturn chased after Uranus while Jupiter looked at Neptune with nothing but sympathy.

"I should just-" Neptune started as he started to walk away but Jupiter, with his gravity, tugged him back.

"No." Jupiter told him, "Your injuries are already sore. God knows what would happen if that beast finds you again. You stay with me."

"But Uranus-"

"I don't care. No one is getting hurt once more, we have to stick together."


"This is not up for debate, let's go... "


Neptune and Saturn are back and tensions are rising! I know that I have changed my au but this book will keep the previous au (except for Uranus liking Saturn) because it will get too confusing.

My leg has also kinda healed! Yippeee! School is over next week too! Finallyyyyy!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvy🪻

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