Chapter 16

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The bickering of Phobos and Deimos brought reality back to Mars; then, he suddenly felt a surge of pain on his atmosphere, something he hasn't felt in a while. Something he hasn't felt since his life got removed. No... no.. The image of the blue light crushing through his skin poisoned his vision once more. He hated it. This is what came out of it. Life. Not just any life, destructive life. One that stabs you as it walks, causing agony. One that you wouldn't wish to have.

"It seems that you can sustain my life better on your surface.. Earth's surface is now killing it. Maybe because our atmosphere is similar, no?"

The similar figure that he had seen before came back. What he did to him came back. He could once more remember Ceres' crackled up body lying on the side. He remembered the blood that surged out of his skin, the tears that spilled out of his eyes. He staggered back, looking for Venus, his moons or any other celestial beings but no... They stood face to face in eternal darkness.

He was alone.

But he wasn't going to let him do anything to him without a fight.

He pulled out his spear and kept his shield by his side as he jumped into the space above, keeping eye contact with Iris.

This left Iris quite amused. The second smallest rocky planet wanting to take on a powerful being like him! This would be fun!


The spear pierced through Iris' stomach, making him stagger backwards.

"You shouldn't have underestimated me.. I am named the God of War for a reason.."

Ares pulled the spear out, aiming next for his head but Iris dodged it, lunging to the side. He got out what looked like a massive orange thorn and charged towards the red planet, who leaped downwards. Iris followed him down and they went head to head, their weapons clashing against each other with a cling. Mars knew the advantage of Iris' size as he sweeped with his weapon downwards, under Iris, and moved up, edging his weapon to Iris' head. Unfortunately, it was stopped by another spike that appeared out of nowhere. Another needle popped out from it but fortunately for Ares, his shield blocked it.

Iris was slowly losing his patience as he started huffing. He never had to work this hard to capture someplanet; he didn't even have to work this hard to capture the crystal of the Solar System, Saturn; he was much bigger than Mars. There was something special about this planet, he had potential, he had use. Not just to store his life but as an... let's say assistant!

He sweeped towards him but missed once more. Iris' eyes flamed with rage as he, with his gravity, hurled some space rocks towards Mars. Ares, using his small size to his advantage managed to dodge each and every one of them. However, before he could raise his weapon for his next attack, something pierced through his small body like a needle through a piece of cloth. It came flying out as he was soon placed in the palm of Iris.

Iris smirked at him and said to his unconscious body.

"Guess the God of War can't win all his wars.. Can he?"



Venus was enraged as the two younger ones cried at the once more disappearance of their beloved planet. Mercury, who was coming towards them to get bandages for the Earth, must have heard all the chaos as he started to speed off in their direction.

"What happened?" Hermes asked once he reached, "And where is Mars?"

Venus had his back turned towards the God of Commerce, who still was perplexed at what was happening.


Tears. That was what was falling from Venus' eyes as he finally faced Mercury. Something Mercury would have never expected to see.

"He's gone.. Again... he was here. He.. He.. I.. I could have... have.. saved him... him.." Venus hiccuped.

Phobos and Deimos hugged him, their tears staining his chest.

Mercury couldn't react. He felt empty. Almost like, everything was unreal. Like how everything was going on a repeat, a cycle, a never ending one.

"Come.." Mercury told the hysterical planet, "And you too, Phobos and Deimos. It's not safe here.."

As the three reluctantly trudged behind him, Mercury swooped up the first aid kit, remembering his purpose to come here, and tried reassuring the ones behind him. He was appalled that Venus didn't even try to bicker with him, yell at him, insult him or be stubborn and not move but no.. it seems that his light was gone. What was the star to his night sky, his sun to the moon, his light to the horror of reality was gone; now he was stranded, trapped, suffocated in his worst nightmare.

Phobos and Deimos just kept on crying; Mercury knew how much they adored and loved Mars. If Ares was upset, they would threaten to hurt whoever hurt him (though they really couldn't do much); no matter what, worst of times, they would always stick by Mars' side.

Whatever it took, whatever sacrifice they had to make, they would get the God of War back. Ares. Mars. A friend. A son. A student. A 'mother'. A lover.

My friend told me that people who like writing angst are people who like dumping their trauma into their work.. I really wanted to smack-

I injured my leg. Yes, I have crutches. No, it is not broken. That's my reason for not posting this chapter earlier but I swear! Now, it is going to be much frequent!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvyyy🌺

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