Chapter 11

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Dephini cuddled her knees up to her chest and twirled her hair to pass them time. She felt nauseous. She wanted to cry once more, scream at the beast to let her out but it was no use. He wouldn't let her out. She was only useful to give him information, help him on how to defeat the planets. If not, he...

The deafening screams echoed back and forth making her jump back and fear. A shadowy nightmare came up and screeched, "How can we defeat Jupiter?", "What is Neptune's greatest fears?".

Torture it was. The memory even got her sobbing.

Sometimes knowing too much could be your greatest downfall..

"Hey.. are you all right?"

A voice behind me her spoke. She spun around and saw a much smaller planet, with a brown surface and red cracks on it. He had ocean blue eyes to contrast and looked at Dephini with concern.

"I'm fine.." she replied, weakly. She wasn't even going to try and sound happy. There was no use in smiling, it was wiped away by the lava which burned it.

"Hey.." he said, "Smile. You are gifted with such beauty but you are incomplete without a smile.."

"There is nothing to smile about.." Dephini told him, "What is the point in doing so?"

"What if I told you some good news?"

"Good news?"

He took her hand and a gleam of blue teared out of his eyes, matching his eye colour. For a second, Dephini thought he was crying but then a mystical tornado swirled around them and they were in a place, covered with space rocks. It took her a few minutes to realise that the golden glow that was reflecting from the space rocks was from...

The Sun.

"Welcome to the Asteroid Belt!" he exclaimed, "And you, Madame, are in the Solar System! Any questions?"

"Yes! How-"

"Hey! You got her out!"

Another figure, even smaller than the man who had freed her, came up to them. He had a light brown surface with green, glimmering eyes. He took an asteroid from around the corner and threw it at the other planet.

"Hey!" he shouted, "That was rude, Vulcan!"

"That was rude, Vulcan!" Vulcan mocked, "Stop being such a baby, Phaeton!"


"Mars!" Venus cried in glee as the red planet woke up from his 'slumber'.

"MUM!!" Phobos and Deimos screamed, hugging him even tighter.

"Hey, you two.. I am glad you're safe.." he turned to Mercury, Luna and Earth and with a tired smile, he greeted them.

"YOU IDIOT!" Earth screamed at him, "We could have lost you, you know.."

"Yeah," he replied still smiling, "I know.."

"You should get some rest.." Venus told him as Mars got on his back for a piggy back ride, "Let's go to your orbit.."

They walked away, with Phobos and Deimos, while Mars asked questions of what had happened, but most important, what was happening. Venus shrugged them all off, saying it was nothing and just some crazy exoplanet though he, and everyone else, knew it was so much bigger than that.

"Well, it seems like you and Venus swapped personalities.." Jupiter told Earth, "It's like my Venus has a crush on someone.."

"How did you-" Earth started but Mercury smacked his hand over his mouth. The Ice giant giggled at this while Jupiter just went on and said, "It was obvious.."

"When is he going to confess?" Uranus asked, curiously. He had read many romance tales yet this was probably his most favourite one. Wait.. no it wasn't actually.. there was one that he absolutely fell in love with. Two princes on rival kingdoms who against all odds fell in love. He hadn't gotten to the end yet but it was amazing so far!

"Probably when this situation passes.." Luna muttered, "If it ever does.."

"What was that?" Uranus asked.


"Wait, who are you? I don't recognise your voice being any of the planets.."

"I'm Luna! Earths moon.."

"Pleasure to meet you, Luna.."



"So is anyone going to answer my question?"

"Which was?" Earth asked.

"When is Venus going to confess?" Uranus huffed.

"Hopefully soon!" Mercury replied.

"If they will make it.."

The orange mysterious planet watched them speak and laugh in their conversation. Fools, he thought, Laughing in such a situation..

He looks at the biggest of them all. Jupiter. That was what Dephini said he was when they first met, a failed star. Speaking of which, where was she?

He tried calling for her to answer. She didn't. He screamed inside his shell where she rested. Torturing her mentally, knowing that she would give an answer. She always did.

Not this time.

He felt that his shell was light weight. He couldn't feel the mass and weight of her anymore. No. There's no way. This could not be happening. He yelled in fury until a blue silhouette came up to him. It had been a while since they saw each other. They were partners in crime, you could say but their first mission didn't end well.

The planet looked serious, which was not very common.

"What happened?" Iris asked.

"He's remembering.. and that might defeat us both."


Hello everyone! My chapters will be very slow for a week or two due to my exams! I have already taken 3 on Friday just.. 8 more to go:( but then, I am going to Wales!! It's a school trip but I am with my besties!

Also, that story Uranus was describing might actually become a story that I will create... can you guess who the protagonists will be?

Signing off,
Pirate Elvrinda🌙

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