Chapter 14

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Black spots splattered all across his body, sticking to his hair, skin and all around his face. It didn't hurt physically. It hurt emotionally. Each and every one of his life, ranging from plants to animals, or as he called it, parasites, had died because of his beasts, monsters. He wanted to feel the sprinkles of pain down his cheek, to scream in rage but he couldn't, and what killed him most is that he didn't even know why.

He didn't want to show his wounds to anyone though, not to reveal his scars. Mercury was still wounded by Sun's betrayal (Luna was trying to cheer him up), Mars still needed time to heal, which Venus was helping him with, and Jupiter and Uranus were spending their energy trying to capture this creature who caused this. What happened to him was not important, right?

Suddenly, the universe seemed to spin around him, a white flash soaring through his eyes. He looked at the Sun, hoping its light will diminish what this strange radiance was but instead, a black hole had entered his vision. It got bigger and bigger until all he could see was darkness.


"What did you do?"

"Why in the stars are you accusing me? You were literally with him!"

"I still don't trust you, Ares..."

"That's fine by me- oh! Proto! You woke up!"

Earth looked at the two strange planets in front of him as many questions buzzed in his mind. Where was he? How did he get here? Who were they? Was this one of Iris' schemes? Oh yeah, and did the red planet with water on his surface call him Proto?

"Proto, are you alright? You must be, after all, you wouldn't want to make me upset!" the planet with the brown surface and curly chestnut hair told him.

"Uhh... yes! I'm fine, don't worry!" Earth replied, as the red planet with a water surface rolled his eyes in annoyance. Honestly, Earth probably wouldn't have said that and instead pointed her out for gaslighting him or something but... it didn't sit right with him, especially since he didn't know who they were.

The girl came up to him and gave him a huge smooch, catching Earth off guard.

"Lord Theia! In front of me!"

"Are you jealous, Mars?" she asked, letting their lips go.

Earth's eyes widened in shock when he heard his best friend's name. She called him Mars and to be honest, the planet did look like Mars, except the fact that it had water on its surface. While he tried to gain an understanding of what was happening, another planet came up to them. The planet had long, wavy hair and had a surface full of life under the gleaming sea and above; no planet he has seen had the amount of beauty this planet had. No, Earth did not have any romantic feelings for this planet (he was an aromantic) but it was an obvious observation that anyone could point out.

"Hello Aphrodite!" greeted Mars, as Theia rolled her eyes and said, "Well, if it isn't the planet that dresses like he's a girl when he's not! Disgusting!"

"Theia! How dare you! Don't be rude to Venus!" Mars retorted, as Venus looked down, hurt.

"Why it's the truth!"

"Just because he dresses like a girl, doesn't mean it's disgusting! People can do whatever they like, this isn't a crime! He won't get kicked out of the Solar System or something! Additionally, what you're saying is plain out rude and-"

"Blah! Blah! Blah! Stop talking like you know better than everyone else just because you were the first rocky planet and orbit next to Jupiter!"

"I'm not! It's the plain out truth!"

"Oh really ## ###?"

"## #######!"

The words between both planets started to become shake away as the letters trailed on the path away from his ears and his vision started to go blurry once more until no more could be seen.


Luna. That sounded like him. He called to the voice that was shadowed by the unknown.

"Luna? Is that you?"

"Yes, Earth! Take it easy, just open your eyes.."

Surely, he could see the rays of the Sun which stretched all across the Solar System and then was confronted by his dear moon and his kind friend, Mercury.

"Earth, what happened to you?" Luna asked, frantically.

"Yeah Earth.. you look-"

"Terrible, yes I know." Earth finished for Mercury, whose face dropped as Earth said that; he didn't mean to come in the wrong way.

"Was this, Iris?" whispered Luna, the tang of fear being heard in his voice. The only thing Earth could do was not respond. He didn't want to spill the glass and straight on tell them the truth but he knew lying about his wounds would now be useless, it was way too obvious now.

"Mars' orbit has some bandages, though I don't know how that would help.." Mercury muttered, looking at the beasts that crawled on the planet's delicate surface.

"Isn't there some pillows or some things to rest on?" Luna questioned.

"Yes, I will get them.." Mercury told him as he rubbed his swollen red eyes.

There was one thing for sure. Right now, right here, nobody was doing great. Everyone was suffering.

"Just like I wished..."


Hello everyone! This chapter was delayed due to my lack of motivation and some issues that rose in school (I was accused of cheating in my end of years). Luckily, it is now all sorted so I will be back to writing much more!

I also came second in a debating competition today which I guess, was kind of disappointing.. but it is good as well!

Question for all of you! Would you rather me release the:

Deranged AU oneshot book


The Vars book (royal au), I have some chapters in my draft.

This will be released when we reach all the targets obviously so tell me which one you want by that time!

Signing off,
Pirate Elvrinda🌙

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