Chapter 1

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Aidens pov 14.08.22*

My weakness, that's one way to describe liya. She puts up with my messes even if it means she gets hurt in the process. We have been together for 11 months, nearly a year. She doesn't know it yet but I'm gonna marry her.

this summer i have been busy so today i just want to chill on the beach with my girl.

"What are you doing?" She started laughing at me "keep your eyes on the road!" She slapped my hand that was creeping up her thigh and told me to pay attention to the roads.

"Realx " I laughed to myself as she went through her bag looking for her card.
"Can we go to the service station?" She pouted at me.
"Mhmm " I muttered.

We pulled into the car park and she got out asking me if I want anything. As she walked away, dayummmm! I got mad lucky with this one, liya has really long curly hair, she is about 5'8 and when I tell you she has the most perfect body, she was wearing a white bikini top and denim shorts.

*liyas pov*

I walked into the Burger King very aware of Aiden staring at me, he is protective sometimes but I cant blame him with his hectic lifestyle I'm always the target when people want him hurt and trust me a lot of people want him hurt.

"Hiya can I get........" i stated my order
"That should be ready in about 5 minutes" the worker smiled at me
"Thank youu" I tapped my card on the card reader and went to sit on a stall when I felt two hands creep around my waist.

"You good baby?" Aiden pecked my cheek and let go of my waist.

"I thought you was staying in the car?" I turned around to face him, he is the most beautiful man! He has long plaits and brown skin and his lips were perfect, dont get me started on the height he is 6'4 I swear I'm so lucky!

"Didnt want you to be lonely" he rolled his eyes at my statement and started playing with my hair.

"Order number 37" the worker called out, I ran over and took my food then we walked back to the car.

"I put some money In your bank for the food by the way"
I hate it when he does this, hes got money but I like to buy things too.
"Thanks but I wanted to pay" he just smirked as he looked straight up to the road with the sun shining down on his brown skin. ugh he's just so beautiful.

"OMGGGG I LOVE THIS SONG" i shrieked as I turned up the radio and sung loudly.

*Aidens pov (at the beach)*

Liya was dozing off in the sun and I was going through my DMs and one message caught my eye.


Yo A1
Jason's mandem r on2 u
Something abt a key? They r saying ur girl has it.
Bro this key is making niggas crazy they r spilling blood like its nothing.
Stay safe bro💙

Key?? Liya dont mix with this shit, it must be a different liya no way is it my wife. No way.

"Li," I gently woke her up
"Mmmm u alright babe??" She muttered
"Yh I'm gunna go make a quick call in the car I'll be back soon yh"
"Yeah that's fine" she sat up and watched me leave.

I need to call Mateo my best friend since day 1, he is half black and  half latino and his family is nuts they back any beef with no questions asked.

*over the phone*

"Yo bro" he finally picked up, he sounded mad tired like he had been in the gym.

"wys you tired or something?"

"Nahh I'm just busy what's up tho" as I heard him finish his sentence I heard a loud moan from a girl and he sounded really out of breath, ain't no way he picked up in the middle of sex. Did I mention he Is a hoe?

"I've heard enough I'll call you later man"  I rolled my eyes and hung up.
I need to get to the bottom of this but not today, I just wanna relax with my girl for once without drama.


I got back to our spot and liya was gone.


Without making a scene I scanned the beach and then my whole face dropped.

I saw liya dancing on the pier with a crowd cheering her on as the DJ was playing dancehall. shes so spontaneous.

I jogged over to her i was lowkey pissed because she worried me but as soon as I saw her smiling and dancing I couldn't help but feel a smile creep onto my face.
I snapped her and posted it on my story captioned 'this girl man😂❤️'

i chuckled and put my phone back in my pocket.
"come dance with meee" she screamed as soon as she noticed me.
we put on a show causing the people around to go wild then we went back to chill together on the sand.

Liya was sitting up and I was laying in between her legs as she stroked my face.
"You seem stressed what's wrong babe?" She knows me so well I cant even hide shit from her.

"I'm calm you know" I sat up and put her on my lap so she was facing me.
She wrapped her arms around my neck and looked me in my eyes.

"You cant lie to me you know" she slightly smiled then softly kissed me, our tongues intertwined as i deepened the kiss.
We stayed like this for a while, then she pulled away.

"Tell me later okay, dont worry whatever it is we will fix it yh?" she briefly hugged me.

I nodded and she pulled me up and dragged me to the icecream shack.
she always lightens the mood. Can you see why I'm stressed, if I lose this girl I will lose my mind!

Author note!
heyy girlies i wrote this when i was 13 and i decided to move it from my notes app to clear storage haha, i hope you enjoy i used to be so proud of this😂.

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