chapter 10

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Liyas POV 2 weeks later*

"Liya?" Mateo looked up at me from his phone


"Can I tell you something? And don't laugh." He looked dead serious. Mateo is the most unserious person I know so what is he about to say...

"Go on" I paused the tv and looked at him, he was chilling with me in my living room because he was here to see Aiden but he was out.

Aiden has been staying with me for the past 6 days because my mum and the twins went to Barbados to visit my grandparents before my cousins wedding, me and ava are going to join them in a few days for the day of the wedding but right now I'm at home because I'm waiting for Ava to finish her course work and assignments before we go. So basically I'm living with Aiden because why not.

"Soooo..." he looked away

"tae what do you wanna tell me?" I pushed his shoulder to get his attention

"i've got a.... girlfriend" he muttered
MATEO? GIRLFRIEND? The same Mateo that has a new girl every other week?! No way!!

"Stop playing" I burst out laughing

"I'm not mannn" he screwed me

"Since when tho?" I tried to compose myself and hold on my laugh

"Since like a month ago" he started
"It hasn't been long Yh but shes different I can feel it"

Awwww he's finally out of his hoe phase.

" awww I would love to meet herrr!!!" I smiled at him

"Uhhhh i think she's out right now" he looked back at his phone

"Not now gosh your so slow" I laughed at him

"When I get back after the wedding me you Aiden and your girlfriend can go out"

"Ohhh yh yh calm" he responded

"Oh li one more thing, Aiden don't know yet so don't say anything. I'll tell him later but you already know he's gunna mock it" he sighed but it's true when me and Aiden first started going out mateo laughed at him for being a 'simp' and growing out of his 'hoe phase' I just know Aiden is gunna violate mateo.

"don't worry i won't tell" I laughed at him.

His phone started vibrating with the name "Fatima❤️" on the screen. Ooo so her name is fatima she sounds pretty!!

"Li I'm gunna step out for a second" he put the phone to his ear with a big cheesy grin.

Awwww this is so cute I'm so happy for him!!!!
mateo ended up leaving because he went to take his mum food shopping so i was home alone waiting for aiden, i decided to watch a movie on the sofa with blankets and food.

*aidens POV*

I just got in my car ready to go back to liyas and then I got a notification on my phone, then another one, then another one and a whole load more.

I usually have a lot of messages but this is a lot more then usual.
What going on?

I opened the most recent one from this random boy.

Rahh your gyal is sexy fam🤤🤤

that's random?
I opened the next one from a girl this time.

If you don't marry this girl I will😍
*one attachment*

I raised an eyebrow now I'm baffled, does my girl have an OF that i don't know about?

I hesitantly opened the attachment.

I swear my girl is so fucking sexyyy!!!
Not even sexy, she's just beautiful mann.

I just smiled to myself, Im so proud of her. This past month she got into modelling because one of ava's uni friends needed a practice model for her photography course and after a few pictures blowing up on insta liya kind of became a ig model, lots of people would repost her pictures and she had been getting a lot of attention from popular influencers asking for her to be a guest in their youtube channels, including channels like footasylum, there is also bare clothing lines are in her DMs asking her to model their clothes.
Soon she's gunna be at the top, modelling for designer.
She also gets loads of free clothes too.
her life really changed over night.

I looked at the picture one more time and now my shit was hard hard. I put my phone in my pocket and made my way to hers thinking of all the things I'm going to do to her. But you don't need to know that.

*liyas POV*

Fucking hell! I just got out of the shower after Aiden  re arranged my organs. My legs feel like jelly. i can barley stand.

I picked up my phone and looked through snap while I sat in my towel

'Aidens❤️ story 4mins ago'

I blushed at my phone and smiled to myself.
I'm really happy this whole model thing is going well, I honestly didn't know if I would b pretty enough but I have gained so many ig followers I even got a blue tick by my name and I'm getting a lot of job opportunities. My bank account is looking healthy too.

Life is almost perfect.
But not perfect until this whole 'drama' is over.

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