chapter 3

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Liyas pov (at mateos flat)*

"Soo... donde esta?" He repeated

I was still speechless but I managed to find my voice
"Its... it's not me"

"What do you mean that's not you it looks exactly like you?" He looked baffled

"I don know tae, but that's not me"

*30 mins later*

Mateo went out to get pizzas and I was sitting in his living room rewatching the video over and over again, I just dont get it. I sighed and hit the replay button,
Something I didnt notice before stood out to me-

The woman in the video has a tattoo on her right wrist
I screenshoted it and zoomed in.
I couldn't make out what it was but it was quite big and I don't have any tattoos.

perfect, i can prove this isn't me.

I needed to talk to him so I called and prayed he picked up...

*aidens pov*

I felt my phone vibrating in my Jean pocket and kissed my teeth at liyas number but the sooner I talk to her the sooner I can get to the bottom of this.

I picked up

"Hello?" She sounded so relieved, I haven't heard her voice in 5 days I missed it i can't lie.

"You okay?"

"Yh I'm fine but I need you to know I didn't lie to you I never have. can you come to mateos so we can talk?"

"Um yh I guess so"

"Okay see you soon" she hung up.

So she didnt lie? something isn't adding up.

*20 mins later (at mateos)*

Mateo opens the door w pizza stuffed in his mouth he went 2 spud me but he had pizza grease all over his hands I laughed at his stupidity and walked into the living room.

I saw liya laying on the sofa watching netflix as she noticed me she smiled at me I smiled back.

"So what's going on" I sat down on the other sofa

"Basically...." I heard a bunch of muffled sounds come out of mateos mouth as he tried to talk with a mouthful of pizza.

"Let me explain" liya chuckled
"I know about the video now and it's not me-" she started

"But?" I was about to speak but she started talking again

"Before you say anything I want to show you this" she handed me mateos iPad I saw a picture of the woman that looks exactly like liya then I noticed it, there was a tattoo...

Liya doesn't have any tattoos

"The fuck?" 100 thoughts were running through my head right now and i felt really guilty for just shutting liya out.

There is a woman with liyas face killing random people, we need to find her before the feds get involved.

*3 hours later*

"Bro I'm stuck" I rubbed my temples
"Yeah me too"

Liya was sleeping with her head on my lap and me and mateo were trying to get to the bottom of this mess, but so far all we know is liya is innocent and this video is 8days old so anything could have happened between then and now.

"So what's the key for anyways"

"I dont know bro but it must be important for everyone to want it" I sat up

"I think we need to call zee" he walked into the kitchen to get even more food.  this guy is too unserious man.

*over the phone*

"Yo zee you good bro?" Zee was one of the few I trust, he is crazy smart with computers and maths  making him very very useful in this situation.

"What can I do for you A1?"

"I need to know about the 'key' "

He didnt responded for a few seconds then he started to talk

"Okay well, Jason's boys had a huge safe with guns, money, drugs, you know the usual things. but that's not what people want, there is a new drug, this drug is crazy addictive it doesn't have a name but apparently it's the best drug on the market, they are the only people who have access to it, who ever finds this drug will be set with money for life, but the safe got lost when one of jasons youngers were watching it. When people realized that the safe was missing everyone started looking for it. When the boy lost the safe he kept the key."

"Go on..." this is slowly making a little bit of sense.

"There is a video of a woman that looks exactly like your girl slitting his throat with a blunt looking knife and walking off with the key. No one knows her name. Anyways the point is this bitch is dangerous and she seems to work alone but there is one problem"

"What do you mean problem?"

"She knows that people think shes liya and this can put liyas life at risk. I dont know her so I cant tell you her next move and we dont know who she works with so dont trust anyone!"

'Dont trust anyone'

His words stuck in my mind

"I appreciate that zee your a huge help stay safe bro"

"No problem"

"Aight bye"

"Bye" he hung up

This woman is dangerous and whats worse is no one knows who she is...

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