chapter 9

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fatimas POV November 3rd*

I woke up in the same place I've woken up in for the past year, I get out of my tiny single bed and walked over to the other side of my tiny room to look in the tiny mirror. I had my hair in two cornrows the same hair style I've had for a year. Every day feels the same, I hate it here. Today though, today will be different.

"Inmate 069." A tall white man stood straight faced outside my cell

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. He coughed loudly, I still ignored him. If ur thinking I'm rude I'm really not this man has treated me so badly for the past year and I'm sick of his shit.

"I have a name so why don't you use it and treat me like another fucking human being for once" I sat down on my tiny bed and turned my back to him.

"Inmate 069 please follow me" he opened my cell so I stood up and huffed but I did as he said and cuffed me and made me follow him.

"Yooo tinyyy" another inmate yelled through her cell as I walked past her.

I got on with most of the girls here and because of my height they nicknamed me tiny. To be honest I don't even know why I'm here in the first place.

*flash back to 18 months ago April 9th*

"Nikki please" I cried, my face was pressed against the wet cold floor. There was flashing red and blue lights lighting the dark street. I cried on the floor with a fat white mans knee in my back.
"Nikki he's hurting me" I cried to my older brother. He stood there watching with a blank facial expression, Nicole was sniggering with her phone out recording everything.

"You lied to me" I whispered to him then he smirked and waved at me as he walked away with Nicole following closely behind him.

So much for family.

*present day*

I quickly blinked my tears away, crying is for the weak. I don't cry. That memory haunts me daily, the day my only family betrayed me.

Im not biologically related to Nikki and Nicole but they were my family. I never knew my parents and for as long as I can remember I have been in and out of foster care, I was beaten, raped, verbally and mentally abused, and I developed an eating disorder all at the age of 9. Then a family adopted me, the first 2 years were great and I got the help I needed to recover from my trauma. Then my adopted mother died in a riot, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and she got stabbed to death. I was so heartbroken. My brother, Nikki, was the oldest so for the next 6 years he fed and clothed me and our sister Nicole. When I was 17 they started to show me how to make money for myself at the time even though I understood what I was doing was 100% illegal I felt as if I had to impress them in order for them to stay. People always leave but I needed them. One night they planned to steal from a pharmacy and sell the drugs, I wasn't involved but I was forced to come with them when they came out of the shop they looked worried and Nicole hugged me for an unusually long time and I felt her slip something in my back jean pocket.

That hug ruined my life.

The second I turned 18 they threw me into 'real' prison and I've been wasting the 'best year' of my life.
Today is my release date.

I will finally be free.

*liyas POV at the hospital November 3rd*

"...and then i slipped and it was the most funny thing" I laughed softly to myself with tears in my eyes, Aiden was still in a coma and it broke my heart. Me and Mateo made sure to update him on life and we told him everything, I also told the nurse not to let anyone visit him with out calling first to keep him safe.

"Aiden..." I blinked back the tears
"Please wake up... I need you" a single year rolled down my cheek.
I went to remove my hand from his so I could leave but I felt a resistance, he moved his fingers. My eyes nearly popped out of my head!

"Aiden?" I called his name, I felt hopeful for the first time in a very long time. He gently squeeze my hand.

"I wish I saw u slip" he chuckled as slightly opened his eyes.

I burst into tears I was so relieved that he was okay!!! I instantly pressed the buzzer for his nurse to come and I smothered his face in kisses.

*aidens POV an hour later*

All the results from the tests they ran on me came back fine and the told me I could leave in 2 days.

but I left the moment the nurse walked out of my room, I'm awake so why would I spend 2 days in hospital.

I walked out of the hospital and called mateo so I could get the fuck out of here.

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