chapter 11

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liyas POV 3 days later*

"LIYA HURRY UP WERE GOING TO BE LATE!!" Ava shouted at me from downstairs. I was in my room packing the last of my things while Aiden packed the last of his, my family love him and they told me I have to bring him to the wedding with me, I swear they love him more then they love me.

I also packed my gift for my cousin angela, I can't believe she's getting married she's only 3 years older then me she's 22, I remember playing dress up with her when she would visit London. We call eachother every other week, she's like my long distance best friend.

"LIYA!" Ava yelled once again, she's so bossy.
Our flight is at 10.30am and it's 6am we have so much time she's so dramatic.

"I'm cominggggg" I yelled back

I slipped on my sliders and jogged downstairs while Aiden carried his suitcase and mine.

We were matching outfits for the airport because why not.

I had on my grey Nike joggers and a white tube top while he wore his grey Nike joggers with a white t shirt. I had on my white Nike sliders and he just wore white airforces.

I didn't get braids for the wedding but I had my hair silk pressed and I had it up in a high ponytail.

*in the cab*
We had to book a 7 seated car because we had 3 suitcases with us, Ava sat in the passenger seat next to the driver and me and Aiden sat in the back. I was sitting up right and he layed down on my lap.

"Oh wow liya you have grown up to be so beautiful im so proud of you" Ava said to me while scrolling through her IG feed.

*Aidens POV  at the airport *

Our flight is in 90mins and we're just shopping at this point, liya and Ava are running around all the shops like children and I'm here carrying all of their bags like one slave, thank God we dropped off our suitcases so it's not too much.

We were making our way to the food court so we can all get breakfast together and 2 teenage girls come over to us.

"Go on" the girl on the left nudged the other one

"Why me" the other one whispered

We just stood their with a confused expression on our faces.

"Sorry for bothering you but um im ester and this is my cousin nia" she started

"Can we get a picture with you liya?"

Liya looked shocked but then she gave them a warm smile.

"omg you both have amazing dress sense how old are you?" She asked

"And yea ofc let's take a few snaps" she added

They took a few pictures with liya and then nia said shyly "I'm 14 and ester is 15" I could tell she was more quiet then her cousin.

"Wow you guys look so good for 14 and 15 I looked like a mess when I was your age" liya laughed.

"Thank you so much liya you just made my whole day!!" Ester smiled as liya hugged them both goodbye.

Rahh my girls famous now. I chuckled to myself.

"So what your famous now" I bent down to peck her lips

"Shut up" she dodged my kiss and licked my cheek
Her and Ava thought It was hilarious, I just wiped my cheek and kissed my teeth.

We ended up at this pancake place and we ate there before our flight.

*Liyas POV 10mins before the flight*

We were standing at our gate waiting to board the plane and I was replying to some snaps.

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