chapter 7: birthday

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Aidens pov (September29th)*

It's been almost a month since Ava was stabbed, shes doing a lot better now but we're all paranoid to what 'nicoles' next move is. Ava is the only person who knows who she really is which makes her and everyone she cares about vulnerable.

It's liyas 19th birthday today and i had planned a surprise party for her. I was going to 'take her out to eat' but wen we get out of the car we will be in a 5 star hotel roof top rented out to host a party, then when the party is over and everyone leaves me and liya will spend the weekend in the hotel.

*3 hours later (8pm)*

I went to liyas place with a dress and told her I'm taking her out at 9pm.

She seemed really excited and I loved seeing her happy.

While she was getting ready I went downstairs to get the present I hid in her living room, I gave kya the hotel key card and told her and her sisters to go and set up all the last details of the party.

*liyas pov*

I stepped out of the shower and I proceeded to do my make up, if I'm being honest I dont fully know how to do make up so I put on some lashes and Highlight and a tinted lip gloss.

I wanted to wear my natural curls for my birthday so I parted my hair ear to ear and I tied up the front half of my hair and put it in a ponytail and left the back out. I've been growing out my hair since i was 11 and now I'm finally 19 so now my hair has reached waist length so it is really really long.

Once I stepped out of my bathroom I went to my room with my towel around me to get my dress from Aiden but he wasnt in there.

My bed was covered is pink and white confetti with gift boxes, gift bags, a bouquet of roses wrapped in £20 notes and a card.

I picked up the card and the words inside melted my heart Aiden isnt really a feelings guy but this card was one of the cutest things he has done.

I placed the card in my bedside and picked up the gift bag, and reached inside I felt more then one thing,

The first was a pillow with pictures of me and Aiden, all of our happiest moments together, then I picked up a box and there was a tiny piece of paper, it was a receipt and on the back it said

'congratulations, you and your partner will be getting permanent bracelets on the 2nd of October' aww that's is so sweet!

Permanent bracelets get made around your wrist so they cant come off. I went through the rest if the bag and found all of my favourite chocolates and sweets.

Then I went to the gift box, he had made gotten us matching custom Jordan's. I love him so muchhhh.

After I had put my gifts in a safe place I took my dress off of the hanger and finished getting ready to go to the restaurant.

I took a few birthday snaps and went downstairs to meet aiden.

As i walked downstairs he was recording me and hyping me up.

"That's my wife!!!" he yelled with his phone facing me I giggled and gave a little pose.

Tonight was going to be a good night.

I practically jumped on him and smothered him in kisses thanking him for my gifts.

"Ready to go?" He put me back on the ground and wiped the gloss off of his cheek.

"yep!" I followed him out the door.

*in the car*

"So where are we going?" I was so excited

"You'll see" he drove with one hand on my thigh, the other on the wheel and he was smiling reveling his cute dimples and his caps.
Ugh how did I get so luckyyyyyy!!!

I was Impatient so I got busy replying to all of the birthday wishes I got.

*30 mins later*

"Alright were here li" he pulled up in front of the most beautiful hotel.

"Where are we?" I smiled

"Come it's only 5 more minutes now"

He guided me through the hotel and took me to the very top floor.
Then we walked up a flight of some stairs that lead us to the roof. Maybe it was a hotel dinner?

When we got there all of my family and friends were waiting for me. It was decorated with fairy lights and baby pink, gold and white balloons and there was a huge table with food. There was a bar and an adult ball pit built into the roof with pink balls and on the small table there was a huge cake. The view was beautiful I could see the whole of london I was having a roof top party!!

"Happy birthday liya!!!" Everyone rushed over to me with hugs and gifts

I was overwhelmed I cant believe everyone came just for me.

Nothing can ruin this night.

*Nicole's pov*

Tonight is the night, tonight is the night I end this all. I don't know if ava told anyone who I am so i need to kill them all just incase. Every single one.

The mum, twins, ava, liya, the Spanish one and aiden.

Then I can finally focus on the safe, I had a plan and it will take place at 11pm.

"NICOLE!" My brother yelled from his room

"What?" I walked in and saw him sitting in his joggers with crumbs on his bed, it stunk of weed. Since he got out of prison he hasnt been the same, he now uses me for everything like I'm his slave not his little sister.

"Have you got it sorted with that bitch?" He yawned


"No ava."

"I'm dealing with it tonight, before midnight they will all be dead" I proudly smiled to myself

"Whatever just get out and make sure they all die" he dashed his empty water bottle at my head.

"Prick" I walked out

*Aidens pov (nearly 11pm)*

Tonight was going smoothly so far everyone was blowing up my phone about the party everyone wanted an invite. It was liveeeee.

The DJ was playing all the best songs and I saw liya running over to me I opened up my arms and she wrapped her arms around my neck and our hips swayed to the music.

"My mum told me you organised this by yourself" she blushed

"Of course anything for my favourite person" my hands travelled lower down her back

"Thank you bae I love it so much!" She buried her head in my shoulders and pecked my neck.

"I love you" she mumbled on my neck

"I love you too li" just as I said that I turned around and saw my boys laughing at me and mateo and zee was snapping everything

"Ohh shittt he loves her"


"Rahhh hes whipped"

Childish, just because they dont get girls.

"Aiden?" She looked up at me


"What time is it my phone died"

"10.59pm" just as I said that the fairylights cut off...

And then, gunshots.

Everything was pitch black and the only source of light was the moon.

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