chapter 17

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liyas pov*

we all sat around the dining table, i sat with aiden one side of me and ava the other side, opposite us was mya, kya and damien my mother was sat as the head of the table.

so far everything was going smoothly my mum allowed damien to say grace which means she likes him, it took aiden 3 dinners before she allowed him to say grace.

"thank you for having me ms johnson" damien smiled

"anytime" my mum patted his arm

"so how did you two meet?" ava asked him with a raised eyebrow. as the oldest sister ava wasn't the most pleased to hear that kya was pregnant after 2 months of dating but she set her beliefs aside to be there for her sister, i can tell that she's trying but i think she's finding it a bit difficult.

"i was leaving my lecture and i went to ask my lecturer about the new assignment when his assistant ,damien, walked over and bumped into me, he ended up spilling coffee all over me" kya giggled

"oh" ava looked unimpressed

"i think that's cute, like a romcom" i tried to save the awkwardness but now there was just silence

aiden started to laugh quietly next to me and i had to pinch his arm to shut him up.

"anyways" mya broke the silence "i think that it's great that they met because now they are going to have a gorgeous baby!" she grinned

"a what?!" my mum stood up

"mya mum didn't know" kya hissed through gritted teeth

"oh..." mya now looked really uncomfortable

"a baby?" my mum gasped "i just met this man today and he's the father of my grand baby" she tucked in her chair

"i expected better from you kya" and just like that she walked upstairs.

kya looked as if she wanted to cry and damien was bright red, after 2 seconds kya looked at mya and said "thanks a lot mya" and she walked out of the house with damien following closely behind her.

"i thought mum knew i'm sorry" mya ran after them.

ava got up "i best try and calm mum down" she walked up stairs, i guess her love for her sister has completely changed her views on kyas pregnancy after seeing her upset.

it was now just aiden and i

"when we have a baby let's not publicly announce it at a family dinner..." aiden looked at me

"definitely not" i agreed

shortly after aiden and i left to go back to his, the vibe was to awkward to stay home today.

*a week later aidens pov*

"*throwing up noises in bathroom*"

"ughh" i groaned and covered my face with the pillow

kya has been staying at mine in my spare room because she's not talking to her mum at the moment and damien lives in kent so she didn't want to stay with him.
i love kya like a sister but when she's throwing up every morning at 6am it gets a bit annoying.

liya has been sleeping at hers the past 3 days because of kyas morning sickness so i'm suffering alone.

"you alright ky?" i shouted to the bathroom

"i'm im okay now i think" she responded while flushing the toilet

"alright let me know if you need anything" i said

"thanks aiden, and thank you so much for letting me stay here"

i checked the time to see that it is 6.30am, there is no point in going back to sleep if i'm already awake so i decided to drag myself to the gym.

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