chapter 2

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Aidens pov*

I woke up with liya laying on my chest and of course she had one leg spread across me. I picked up my phone to check the time it was 11.30am. She came back to mine after we went to the beach and 4 days later she is still here with me, we basically live together. we have spoken about moving in together but it's something we haven't gotten around to doing yet, she is with me most of the time anyways.

I heard a loud knock on my door, with out disturbing liya I got out of bed and opened the door to be greeted by a old ish man and a huge package in his arms.
he handed it to me and walked away as I turned back around I saw liya in the living room sitting on the sofa with a huge grin on her face.
when did she even wake up?

"what's this?" I was so confused

"Remember how u didn't let me pay for our food when we went to the beach?" She had this cheeky look on her face


"I decided 2 get you a lil something" she patted the sofa for me to sit down

I smiled as she told me to open the package.
"it's the tracksuit you wanted!!" she squealed as i lifted the tracksuit out of the package.
"rahhh say swear?" i lifted her on to my lap and pulled her into a hug. "your welcome" she laughed at me
"thank you baby" i mumbled into her neck.
she's so generous, all this because i
didn't let her pay for burger king.
"let's go take a shower so u can try this on after" she smirked and she climbed off my lap and dragged me to the bathroom.

after we got out of the shower we had a relaxed afternoon just chilling on the sofa watching netflix then my phone rang, it was Mateo.

"Yooo you go-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence

"Come over. Ahora!" he cut the call on me

"Shit baby I need to go" I pecked her cheek, grabbed my keys and left.

*15 mins later*

"What happened" I asked as soon as I stepped into his house

"Look at this" he handed me his phone and what I saw made my blood boil, i felt physically sick.

*liyas pov*

As usual Aidens complicated life ruined a peaceful day, all of my sisters told me to leave him but they dont get it I love this man so much, i would probably die for him even though i pray it never has to come to that.

I was worried about him not gunna lie, because he always pretends his fine but never wants to open up to me. I needed to distract myself for a while and what better to do then online shop!

£300 later and okay maybe I went a little over board but this stuff is so cute. this didn't help though I was still worried about Aiden, he hasn't called to let me know he's okay or anything.

Maybe I should go out and see my sisters. I have 3 big sisters 2 of them are twins, mya and kya who are 22, and the oldest, Ava shes 25.
Then there's me, I'm 18 nearly 19.

I called them and asked to meet up at nando's .

*Aidens pov*

words can't even describe how pissed i am right now, when we got back from the beach I told liya about the key thing and she had convinced me that she knew nothing about it.
So tell me why there is a video of her slitting a boys throat with a blunt looking knife and strolling away with a key in her hand!?

I dont get it.

Lying is the one thing I dont tolerate. From anyone. Liya lied to me I'm done with her.

*1 day later over text*

What's wrong talk to me

*3 days later over text*

Aiden I'm really worried about you

*6 days later over text*

are you even alive??

*liyas pov*

I looked in my mirror and dried my tears. Its nearly been a week and Aiden is still airing me, and I have no idea what I did and its really stressing me out.

it's rather childish if you ask me.

6 days ago when I got back to Aidens from nandos I pushed my key in the lock but it had changed, I called him but it went to voicemail so I went home to my mums.

I'm sick of this so I reached out to Mateo. Hes like a older brother to me, I met him in secondary when I was in yr9 being bullied he was yr11 and he defended me ever since he has looked out for me. At first he didnt even want me to meet aiden but on his 20th birthday I met aiden and we have been inseparable since this is why I need to find out what was wrong with him and I know mateo will help me.

I decided to call him.

*over the phone*

"Liya?" He sounded confused

"Hey I wanted to talk to you do you mind if I come over"

He went quiet.

"Um yh just give me a second to tidy up" he probably has a girl over.

"can I come in half an hour?"

"Yhyh see u in a bit"

*30 mins later (at mateos house)*

"What happened?!" He almost yelled at me as soon as he noticed my tears.

"Aiden wont talk to me and I dont know if hes okay" I quickly wiped my tears I dont like crying in front of people.

He sighed

"Can I ask you something" he sat down next to me on the sofa


"why did you lie to aiden?"

WHAT?!? I didnt lie to him I never have-

"What are you on about?" I could feel my anger slowly building up, he isnt talking to me and he told mateo I lied to him.

"Really? So you dont have it" he didnt sound like he believed me

"Have what?"

"The key"

"What are you talking about? Why is everyone asking me this"

"What do you mean everyone" he frowned

"These boys came up to me demanding some key they said I have to give it to someone called Jason or something bad will happen, and aiden asked me and now you"

He just sat there confused.
"Let me show you what Aiden saw"

I took his phone and watched the video. My heart dropped.

That's not me...

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