chapter 15

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aidens pov*

"what's wrong?" liya frowned at my change in energy

"was he tall?" i aksed

"yes" she responded



"grey eyes?"


"li thats nikki" i sighed

"wait nicole's brother?" she gasped

"we have a new problem, a worse problem"

i wasn't even in the mood to do anything now we just showered and went to bed, so much for showing her how proud i am. we can never have more then a week of peace.


i woke up and liya wasn't in bed, i checked the time on my phone and it was 4am so where is she?

"li?" i called

she didn't respond so i got out of bed and tried to find her as i left my room i heard sniffling coming from the bathroom, i hesitantly opened the door and saw liya sitting on the bathroom floor crying.

"li baby?" i sat down next to her and held her in my arms she started crying harder

" liya talk to me what happened" i frowned

"i had a bad dream" she mumbled

"he was there..." she wiped her tears

i sighed and felt helpless i wish i could take back what happened. i shouldn't have gone to zees i wish i just came come from the shop.

"li im so so sorry" i wiped her tears as she continued to cry

"it's not your fault" she rested her head on my shoulder

"i think i'm ready to talk about it" she sighed

we ended up talking on the bathroom floor for hours. she told me the full story all the way back to when he grabbed her breasts in the kitchen i felt so guilty that i had allowed this man to live here after what he did to my mum.

"aiden" she looked up at me she wasn't crying anymore but she still looked sad


"why does your mum live in st lucia?" she asked, she's never asked me about my mum before she knows i don't like to talk about it.

"my dad" i sighed

"what happened?"

"my mum was pregnant with my baby sister and my dad pushed her down some stairs." i started

"my mum had been abused by him my whole childhood but she always stayed for me. after he pushed her she lost the baby"

"princess would have been 4 now if it wasn't for him" i blinked back my tears

"my mum started to slowly lose her mind and she left on my 16th birthday. i love my mum and i know that she needed to leave so i was never angry with her but after she left i started to sell drugs to keep myself alive, eventually i couldn't live alone anymore and mateos mum took me in"

"mateo is the only person who knows this story and now you do too" i looked away from liyas soft brown eyes because i didn't want to cry

she didn't say anything she just hugged me and let me cry

"i'm so sorry that happened to you and your mum" she stroked my back and hugged me tightly.

it felt good to get that off of my chest, i love how she let me cry with no judgement she knew that i just needed to be heard and that's what she did. what did i do to deserve such a good woman.

we both got really tired after our trauma dumps and we went to bed after spending nearly 4hours on the bathroom floor.

"i love you" liya said sleepily as she laid on my chest

"i love you too li" i kissed her forehead and we eventually fell asleep at 8am.

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