chapter 6: the anniversary

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liyas pov*

Today would have been our 1 year anniversary. I've been crying over Aiden for a week now, at this point I have no tears left to cry. I just feel empty.

I never thought I would cry over a man, it's kind of silly but I can't help it. This man means the world to me he made me so happy, he was my first love, my first real meaningful kiss, he took my innocence. he was my first everything and he left me just like that. I just didnt see it coming.

"You okay baby?" My mum poked her head in my room with a sympathetic smile

"Yeah I'm okay mum" I sat up and smiled

"I got you some snacks maybe you could invite your friends over and watch a movie?" She is brought this big tesco bag full of all my comfort foods and put it on my bed. she is so sweet.

"Its fine mum I think I'll just be alone today"

"Okay li but promise me your okay?"

"I'm good. I promise"

She left my room and I layed back down and stared at my ceiling.

I just feel so empty and I couldn't help but think of the time we first met.

i shut my eyes and smiled to myself at the thought of seeing him again for the first time.

*1 year ago*

"Liya!" Mateo threw popcorn at my head

"What im trying to watch a movie" I threw it back at him, hes so annoying

"You coming to my birthday rave tomorrow?"
he laughed at my frustration

"Depends." I teased him

"Li dont be like that famm"

"I'm playing with youuuuu, yh of course I'm coming, even If I'm not invited" I hugged him

He screwed me
"Actually if I didnt invite you you wouldn't come. Simple"

"Yes I would come" I pushed him and walking into his kitchen to take his food.

"Hola cariña" his mum hugged me, she is so sweet I love her so much.

"holaaa" I hugged her back


"Liya!?" Mateo stood in the doorway feeling betrayed that i had ditched him for his mum

"Lo siento tae" I smiled

"Whatever"he walked out leaving me and his mum to burst out laughing

*the next day*

I was getting ready for mateos party, I had a white bodycon dress on and I had my hair straightened for the first time in 4 years.

I was doing my make up and finishing my hair when mateo texted me

*over text*

I sent a uber to ur house it should be there in 20mins

thank you tae see u soon!!

I finished getting ready and went downstairs.

*at the party*

I got to the party and I was blown away! It was a yatch party!!!

I guess his 20th is a big deal.

I didnt know anyone there but that wasnt going to stop me from having a good time!

"AALIYAH" mateo jogged over to me and gave me a big bear hug, he was defo drunk.

"Happy birthday tae" I gave him a gift bag with his favourite snacks and a cheeky £200 jd gift card in the bottom.

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