chapter 12

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aidens pov*

"don't fucking move" i growled through gritted teeth.

she spat at me and kissed her teeth.

"so what your this famous nicole yh?" i chuckled

i heard the door open and liya frantically ran into the living room of our hotel.

as she layed eyes on nicole she lost it.

"you fucking bitch" she pounced at nicole who was tied down on the floor sending bangs to wherever she could reach.

she looked sexy icl.

"yo liya chill" i tried to pulled her away knowing i was getting turned on by her anger. my lil man doesnt understand that there is a time and a place for these things.

"this bitch, tried, to, kill, my fucking sister, and she, tried to, fight me!" she said between her punches.

"aaliyah" she instantly looked up at me knowing i only call her that when things are serious.

"fine" she adjusted her hair and stood behind me. damn she's just so sexy fam, i might have to pattern her later still.

"DID I MISS IT?" mateo ran through the door

"tae what are you doing here?" liya looked confused

"aiden told me and zee to hop on the next flight yesterday when you guys got off the plane, he knew something was up" he sounded out of breath.

"yoo that's mad creepy bro" he bent down to examine "liyas" face on nicole.

"word" i laughed

"now let's get some answers," zee cracked his knuckles.
after about 30 minutes we had all the answers we needed. nicole used liyas fave because 1. she hated liya when ava got closer to her sister and spent less time with nicole and 2. when she found out that i was going out with liya she realised she could get 'revenge' while finding the safe. it turns out her brother is nikki, i've been beefing nikki from as long as i can remember. apparently he got out of pen a few months ago and he's been laying low.

looks like after i dead off his sister i need to kill him too.

great, more problems.

i looked at nicole sitting all bloody on the floor.

"you know, i was gunna shoot you but true say man's not allowed to bring that shit over seas i have something just for you" i grinned as i pulled a butter knife out of my pocket.

her eyes widened in fear.

"kill me then." she tried to conceal her concern.

"nahh i wanna have some fun first," i looked behind me at liya who looked bored as fuck on her phone
"li, baby wanna help me?" she looked up instantly and slightly smiled.

don't get me wrong yh, li isn't into alla that she hates what i do but this nicole bitch has been messing with liya and her family for too long. i know liya won't kill her, but she needs to let out some anger and who am i to stop her?

liya walked over and kicked nicole in her stomach, hard.

"fuck" she moaned in pain

liya untied her and dragged her up by her hair. not gunna lie i didn't think she would do this, i've never seen this side of liya and i've been with her just over a year now.

"let's make this fair" she grinned as nicole was struggling to stand up.

nicole swung for liya but missed, she swung again, and again. she attempted to run forwards but stumbled over her feet and fell on her face. liya kicked her body at least a hundred times with rage in her eyes.

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