chapter 4

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unknown pov*

"I'm going to ask you one more time darling. Wheres the safe" I waved my finger in his face to provoke him in his chair.

"I don't know I'm sorry, please im only 15 man I dont know" he started to cry.

How pathetic.

"What's your name dear?" I stepped back smiling at him with a emotionless look in my eyes

" e- e-Emmanuel" he stuttered

"Well let me tell you something e-e-  Emmanuel, my favourite weapon is a butter knife do you know why" I pulled my tiny blunt knife out of my pocket

He shook his head slowly hinting that he has no idea.

"butter knives are very easily accessible and police can't arrest me if the catch me with one because they are 'harmless' " i started "Its really really blunt, so when I drag it along your skin I have to push 10x deeper into your neck causing a slower and more painful death. Do you want a slow and painful death Emmanuel?" My smile grew wide at his fear

"N- no"

"Then where is the safe" I gently caressed his face with my knife

"I don't know the last person to see it was my cousin but you killed him" his fearful expression turned into anger as he thought about the death of his cousin, aka the useless boy i stole the key from.

"Okay well I guess I will have to let you go, you can run off and go back to your pathetic life" I sighed

"Really?!" His face lit up with hope even though he was still tied to a chair

i laughed at his excitement, "Nope."

His face dropped.

i walked over to him with a devilish grin and I slowly dragged my knife along his neck pressing against every single vein and blood vessel, I watched the crimson liquid ooze out of his neck as blood started viciously spilling from the corners of his mouth he coughed and choked on his blood begging for me to help him.

I flicked my curly hair over my shoulder and walked off feeling extremely angry.

The sooner I get my hands on the new drug the sooner I will run the whole of london.

I pulled out my burner and made a call.

"I killed him."

"What did I tell you Nicole!?"

"Dont call me that! i'm Aaliyah right now " I hissed

" why the fuck are you out here killing more peo-" I hung up.

i don't have time for this, he should watch his mouth before I kill him too.

Before I walked out of the abandoned flat I took one last look at the twitching body surrounded by a pool blood on the floor. Then I left like nothing happened.

Oh well.

As I was walking down the street I saw two girls running up to me the looked about 20 I think they were twins. I quickly plastered a fake smile on my face as they approached me.

"Liyaaaaa oh my gosh what are you doing here?"  One girl hugged me really tight.

As I pulled away she grabbed my wrist
"No wayyyyyyyy! Kya come look liya got a tattoo!" She called the other girl over

"Mums gunna kill you" the other girl shook her head

"Does ava know?!" They both shouted a million questions at me and I was getting pissed off.

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